Sep. 7th, 2018



Challenge Update.

Annnnd that's a wrap! Sorry for the late update, I was wading through Florida and crashed as soon as I got back home. Better late than never!

August's Lights! Camera! Action! challenge has come to an end. If you took part in the Lights! Camera! Action! Challenge and would like to enter/possibly collect a prize, please comment on this entry and link your card. Remember, only activity posted from August 1st to August 31st counts toward your totals. Thanks!

Sep. 6th, 2018



Plot Calendar: September

There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself. )

Aug. 27th, 2018



Hello, I'm back! And you sure have been busy, I don't know how I'll catch up on all the action. :) Please let me know if there's something that Michelle should have known/replied to/reacted to/etc. Thanks!

It's good to be back. :)


Aug. 26th, 2018




Don't forget that the Activity Check ends at 11:59 PM PST, August 31st. Be sure you comment with your activity (and any optional bonus activity you might have) before then. Remember this is the last activity check of the game. Thanks! ♥

Aug. 20th, 2018



Ugh I'm so sorry, I've been back for like a week but I had too much to do and not enough brain to focus. I know I need to tag Alexi, and do something with the cat case because I was fail there. But I can't remember anything else so lmk??

- Emily, the worst

Aug. 18th, 2018



Hey guys! Sorry for totally vanishing again. Some family health issues came up and I was trying to digest that, plus my work is doing a GIANT exhibition right now and I've working crazy long days (but getting to meet celebs!). I'm going to try to play some catch-up on things I owe and get my ass back into gear for the end of the month.


Aug. 17th, 2018




Hey guys! We're a little over halfway through August. Don't forget about your challenge! :D You can dig up some more plot for yourselves on this post or head back to the original if you're having any trouble filling prompts.

Hit me up if you have any questions! Can't wait to see you all at the end! :D

Aug. 13th, 2018




Just to let you know that I'm leaving on vacations tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. I'll be back on August 24th. I'll try to check the game from time to time, but it won't be much.

Have fun!


Aug. 12th, 2018



A couple of quick things!

Since the game ends in October we figured it might be nice to make this the last month with an activity check. If you have questions about this just let us know!

We also wanted to re-link this plot roundup! If you want to get in any endgame plotting or share ideas of things you would like to see before the game ends, please do! :)



Activity Check

activity: august )

Aug. 10th, 2018



Intros! Round #19

introductions: round 19 )



Hiiii I'm sorry I've been scattered this week! I'm going out of town until Monday, and I will still be kind of out of it. May still tag occasionally but... cannot promise.

- Emily

Aug. 8th, 2018



Fall City Basket Auction Reminder.

Hey guys!

As a reminder, the basket auction is being held on August 11th, but we're going to be rolling that out a little earlier so that there's enough time for the IC/OOC stuff. Weekends are rough for people. IDK. Anyway, if you haven't gotten your basket in yet: NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT.

There are several people offering to help with baskets/sign people up that wouldn't normally participate. If you want involved but aren't sure how to get there, hit those people up! We want whoever wants to participate to do so, even if your character wouldn't sign themselves up. :)

But I have to code all this stuff tonight/tomorrow, so please get your stuff in ASAP so that I can have that ready for you!!

Aug. 5th, 2018



Plot Roundup!

plot roundup! )

Aug. 2nd, 2018



A quick note!

Hey guys!

Since holds will be closing tonight at midnight PST we wanted to take a second to offer the concept of Temp NPC's to wrap up any loose ends you may have regarding character arcs. If you are interested in using [info]interim to have another player come in as your characters relative/ex/whatever for a short period of time in order to resolve a plot, please feel free to shoot us an email! That journal will be at players disposal for the rest of the game. ♥



August Challenge: Lights! Camera! Action!

Hey guys! Sorry about the wait, but things have been crazy and this challenge was involved. X.x Check out the cut below to see how the August challenge works! :D

And...we're rolling! )

Jul. 30th, 2018




Don't forget that the Activity Check ends at 11:59 PM PST, July 31st. Be sure you comment with your activity (and any optional bonus activity you might have) before then. If you don't think you'll make it and want to stick around, please email us, and remember as of this STOU you only need two items this month. Thanks! ♥



Basket Auction Plot!

Hey, guys!

Stevie and Patty here coming at you with a brief update on how the basket auction works. As seen on Gilmore Girls (S2 E13) and Hart of Dixie (S2 E9), baskets are packed with the intention of being auctioned with the proceeds going to charity. The contents of the basket, and the basket itself, are meant to be a surprise!

So the auction will involve auctioning a basket with contents of your character's choosing and then whoever wins the basket also gets lunch with your character. Which is pretty fun!

What we need from you is to know who's submitting a basket. We're keeping things anonymous. ;) So all comments are screened. What we need from you:
Your Character's Name:
A picture of their basket:
A description of what's inside their basket: This can include specific food items. You can also include other things, if you're trying to tip someone else off about which basket is yours!

We're going to gather all this information up and make it beautiful for you come the day of the auction. The LAST DAY for this information will be August 8th. Since we want that IC/OOC up early even though it happens on the 11th! We'll also post another reminder closer to the event so you don't miss it!

If you have any questions, hit us up!

Jul. 29th, 2018



Plot Calendar: August

A town so suffocating and small, you tripped over people you hated every day. People who knew things about you. It's the kind of place that leaves a mark. )



hello my love doves! i am back from vacation and attempting to catch up on things. also i am now realizing that i don't think i told everyone i was going on my vacation which is my bad.

but please if i could be so needy and ask anyone to toss a link at me if i missed anything pertinent to clea, dash, elliot, levi, and julián i would love you forever okay that's it i'm going back to working on tags and feel free to hmu if you want to do things <3