July 2nd, 2018



Plotting: The Book, Part 2!

As mentioned before, the author of the book is an assigned secret. The Book page has been updated as we have gone through various rounds of drops. However, between the different drops and adds in the game there have been some spots that have opened up to have new characters who would have been in the book (and thus also in the film).

If you replied for your character on this post, you can reply here if you have more information you think would have come up (thanks to new connections or headcanons). If you have a new character the author has asked if you could answer the following questions if you think they would be good for inclusion in the book. Any information is useful.
1. If you have not already, please make sure you comment on the mixers, especially this mixer in particular so that we know where your character was the night of the fire. This book is all about the red string theories. Now that you have your secrets, hopefully this will enable you to put together character experiences (or alibis) for the author to use.

2. In addition, we have added a header below. Please comment there is the population at large has or has a reason to think your character is suspicious or otherwise had some kind of beef with Ed and Cora March. This can vary from something that they did ONCE that left a big impression on the town (maybe they graffiti'd something one time and henceforth were sent a bunch of side-eye), or maybe they are generally known for being a little shitbird.

3. Alternatively, if your characters got on WELL with the Marches, let us know that as well!

4. We're also going to throw up a miscellaneous header for characters who were not born yet or out of town. If you want to give them a suspicious relative, feel free to chuck that in here as well.

5. How did your character react to the fire and Cora's death as a whole? Did your character have an emotional breakdown at school because Alice's seat empty? Did they heave a breakdown at work? Did they carry on like everything was fine?

6. Are there any leaps in logic that you are comfortable with the author taking? This book is a matter of opinion, and someone's opinion may or may not line up with fact. If you are or are not okay with your character being (maybe undeservedly) dragged, please let us know so that we can avoid that.

7. Any other information you want to give us that might be relevant is MORE than welcome. Come up with bits of gossip that are seemingly unrelated to the Marches at all! Give us little lead ins we might use when the author starts describing your character, or several of them. For example, "On the outside, Elvera MacLaver has always seemed likable and kind, but what's hiding behind the surface of her skin...? There was a time at Carson's when many of us witnessed her breakdown in front of the Tuna Cans; perhaps she's less stable than we think..." ETC.