April 25th, 2018



Hello my sunbeams and starpuffs!

Infinity war is coming out tomorrow. As has been established Tony's a LITTLE excited about it. He is also a cop.

My request is as such: Does someone want to crime or have crime done to them tomorrow that would end up in Tony being called in/held late and missing the premire of Infinity War because I wish to make him suffer?



SO, I've been slow enough as is but this is just me letting everyone who has things with me know that I'll be out of town from Friday the 27th through the 30th!

Which doesn't mean I won't be replying to stuff just that I might be even less consistent than when I have to deal with seeing patients.

(and that I'm so sad I missed forcing Caden to be in the date auction because of being exhausted by work, okay. this is golden.)

I resigned from my time-and-soul-suck job today though. I just have to work another month first.



Hey friendos, quick thing -

I'm super sorry for being really scarce lately. Ya girl is the assistant general manager at a movie theatre, and Corporate's had me and the GM working like, forever-long days by ourselves to try and save money so they can afford to staff us properly for Infinity War (bc we're a tinyass theatre in a tinyass chain and the dry spell between Day After Oscars and First Big Release of the Summer always comes nail-bitingly close to forcing us to shutter, and we frankly only managed to avoid layoffs this winter because Black Panther was AN ABSOLUTE GIFT.)

The Avengers invade my place of business tomorrow at 7PM. It's gonna be I N S A N E this weekend, but after this, we'll suddenly be able to go back to a normal work schedule and I'll get to be around doing fun things ever. I'm so so so sorry for the sporadic replies at weird hours you may get from me during this final push AND I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL ON THE OTHER SIDE WHEN WE CAN ALL PROPERLY DO ALL THE FUN THINGS.

tysvm ilyall ok bye

(PS, if any of y'all are within a reasonable distance of Seattle or will be any time over the next couple weeks, hmu and I'll get you in fuh free.)