March 26th, 2018




HELLO HELLO! So I know none of you are new and you all probably know this already, but I’m gonna toss it out there anyway: if you’re getting tons of awesome spam comments like I am, please remember that you can go here and turn off anonymous commenting and the spambots won’t win.




Mini-State of the Union!

Hey, everyone!

We’re going to be big fans of touching base in regards to what’s going on in game and what’s yet to come, so brace yourself for the first of many, many reminder & round-up posts!

We know that new games can be a little overwhelming, particularly ones that have a lot of world building and information to them, so we hope that providing a little bit of focus, making sure everything is in one place, and altering you guys to updates will help. ♥

click me~~ )

Anndddd we think that’s about it! As always, if you have any comments, questions, or even suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out, word vomit, ramble, or whatever your preferred method of communication is. ♥



Mixer #2: Storylines!

game mixer: storylines )