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Six months

WHO: Tra Mitchel and Mila Wallace
WHERE: Tauron
WHEN: The morning after the banquet for Mars

As his dreams fell away, giving way to the waking world Tra slowly opened his eyes. The hotel room was dark, with only a small shaft of light spilling into the room from a crack in the drawn curtains. Glancing over he saw the still sleeping face of Mila silhouetted in the dim light, not that he needed to see her to know that she was still there. Her rhythmic breathing and the warmth of her body against his was all he needed. The sight of her was just a bonus. He was glad they had rented the room after the banquet rather then going straight back to the Avalon. Nothing there but a cold rack or the chance of being caught with her in his quarters.



Tear it out of these open pages…Italicised lies, headlines, bold type, it never ends, it never ends … Begin new line, send the signal.

Said the Hybrid.


38 degrees Celsius and Humid as Hades

Who: Jilleen Simmons [open thread]
Where: 1st CEF Headquarters, outside of Tawa, Sagittaron
When:  Afternoon local time, Y03 Jan 06

Thank the Gods for air conditioning )


Acting Command

Who: Jon Randell [open thread]
Where: Battlestar Avalon
When: Y03 Jan 06

A small delay )


Winter Blows

Who: Collin Ives [open thread]
Where: Brown Cow Diner, Glenrock, Aerilon
When: Y03 Jan 06

The wind was howling under gray skies.  )


Red Canyon Deal

WHO: Jilleen Simmons & Conrad Pierce
WHERE: Red Canyon, located near Tawa, Sagittaron.
WHEN: 4 weeks after Banquet for Mars, Y03/01/06

The warm summer sun in Sagittaron’s morning sky beat down on the small group of horseback riders inside the wide red canyon. Two of them wore olive drab Colonial Forces uniforms and the others in civilian riding clothes. A 100 yards behind them on the dirt road they were followed by black security sport utility vehicles. Captain Simmons rode on a brown horse next to her Commanding Officer who had the newly confirmed Prime Minister of Sagittaron to his right on horseback. The three of them lead the small group of riders.

Horse Politics  )


Can't get over it

WHO: James Chase & Elihu Ramai
WHERE: Battlestar Avalon
WHEN: Shortly after Jill departed.

He wondered if he should accept the new job offer on Picon. He knew there were better qualified officers to take the position. It was because of his seniority that his name was on the list. He may have overcome his injuries, but at what price? His narrow focus on achieving his goal caused him to not see the truth about his relationship with his wife. He felt like an idiot. There were more important things in life than rank and title. He achieved both today, but it was meaningless.

Last minute  )


Banquet for Mars

WHO: Invited Officers
WHERE: Officer’s Club - Strategos Station, Gladius Cross, Tauron
WHEN: Evening Y02/12/06 (1911 hrs local time, 1611 hrs UST)

The Officer’s Club at Strategos Station in the city of Gladius Cross is well known for its fine reputation of catering to many generations of officers in the armed forces. The club also serves as place for officers assigned to Strategos Station (Tauron Fleet Headquarters) to relax and socialize. The building consist of a large dinning room which seats 300, a ballroom which accommodates 600, two large lounges, three bars, five private party rooms, a grand lobby, a patio the overlooks the valley and the Academy, a large back lawn for outside events, and next to a 60 room guest hotel.

The ballroom was open to invited guest in celebration of Mars, the God of War, on his day.Many of the other party rooms were opened too for entertainment, but not all of them. There were still quiet places inside the Officer’s Club to get away from the crowds and to have quiet conversations. Many officers from the visiting battlestar groups were invited.




WHO: Thomas Burk
WHERE: CIC, Avalon
WHEN: Day of Mars Y02/12/06

Nikiski to the starboard, sir,” said the duty officer in Avalon’s combat information center, the heart of the battlestar’s command and control. The DRADIS monitor above the commander’s table had the location of the space destroyer next to the battlestar.

SDD 324 Nikiski  )


Two plus one

WHO: Callie Morgan, Collin Ives, and introducing Lisa Houdina
WHERE: Lisa's extended stay hotel room, Glenrock, Aerilon
WHEN: The night after Jing Jing
Morning (local time) Y02/12/07

Eyes slowly opened, breaking through the haze as surroundings felt foreign. Callie started to move, to sit up but paused, reaching out a hand for her head, groaning at the pain as her head was throbbing. Biting back the agony, she pushed her rough dark hair back and propped herself up towards a seated position, deciding to take it slow until the room, wherever it was stopped spinning.

Two plus one equals more )


A new hotshot?

WHO: Tra Mitchel, Mila Wallace and NPC pilot
WHERE: Squadron CO Office, Avalon
WHEN: Noon Y02/12/08,

Capt. Tra "Achillies" Mitchel
CO Death Angels

Tra stared at the plate that had been secured to the hatch that once lead to Callgirl's office. Things moved quickly aboard a battlestar. Soon people would forget the last CO and it would be like he had always been in command. After he left they would forget him too. It wasn't that people didn't care, it was just that when your job could lead to your or your friend's death it didn't pay to get attached to anyone or anything for very long.


Passing The Torch

WHO: Callie Morgan, Tra Mitchel
WHERE: Squadron CO Office, Avalon
WHEN: Evening Y02/12/07, Y2001 Flashback

It was over. The term as a Squadron Commander on Avalon was at an end after tending her transfer request to a ground assignment on Aerilon for personal reasons. She had not divulged those reasons but it was necessary to move on from Avalon, a place that held much good memories to follow a different path. There was only one last task left, the clearing out of her desk in her office. She was finding it more difficult than expected, packing her belongings into boxes, her memories into boxes.

Tra had left the Admiral’s office almost an hour ago, but he still hadn’t ended up anywhere. Getting the promotion to captain and the CO slot in the squadron was a shock, considering his record, but it wasn’t the most surprising part. That would have to be Callgirl’s transfer request. He hadn’t expected that. She always seemed to love being the CO, not that he made it easy on her. Looking up Tra found that he had made his way to the CO’s office.

Old School, New School )


An aide

Who: Jilleen Simmons
Where: Over Tauron
When: After leaving Avalon, Y02/12/05

Three raptor strike crafts made up Vice Admiral Pierce’s entourage. Jilleen was in the same raptor as the Admiral, while the other two raptors flew with the support staff and crew. Pierce had finished giving her instructions and list of things he wanted to get done in the short time period they had on Tauron.

An aide )


Jing Jing

WHO: Callie Morgan & Collin Ives
WHERE: Rock Wall Tavern, Glenrock, Aerilon
WHEN: Evening (local time) Y02/12/07

Kylie was out with her boyfriend, something that Callie would not normally condone but considering the circumstances she did not want to upset her niece by taking her further out the normalcy. It would be something they would have to talk about. Truth was, Kylie needed her boyfriend, somebody that actually knew what the frak she was about. That was not Callie.

Jing Jing, the Colony's best sugar cane light rum )


A new start

WHO: Jurgen Belzan
WHERE: Battlestar Pegasus
WHEN: Morning Y02/12/06

"A call is going through now Commander. Shall I put it through to your headset?" The lieutenant said pulling Jurgen from his private musings


WHO: Jilleen Simmons & Jake Mackenzie
WHERE: Tauron Military Academy, Gladius Cross, Tauron.
WHEN: Morning Y02/12/06 Day of Mars

Running into Jilleen here on a day like this...had to be fate. )


Philosophy of Command

WHO: Sophie Cato & Thomas Burk
WHERE: Battlestar Avalon - Hanger Bay
WHEN: Evening hours, Y02/12/05

Polishing tools gave Sophie back only a measure of the peace that she’d lost in her encounter with the officer in the hall. Her fingers rubbed a cloth across a socket wrench furiously, working at the metal until she could see her face in it before she reached for another. It should have been rack time for Cato but the woman couldn’t sleep, uneasy as she felt for reasons she couldn’t explain.

Philosophy of Command )



WHO: Sophia Cato and Jilleen Simmons
WHERE: Battlestar Avalon
WHEN: Not too long after Jill left James, Y02/12/05

The Avalon was good for one thing, in Sophie's opinion, and that was the ability to lose one's self inside of it.

She had spent weeks drifting through the lower decks, just another gearhead among gearheads. No one thought more of her than as simply part of the furniture--to the best of her supervisors, she was a useful tool but nothing more. There was a part of her that preferred this. The funeral of weeks ago was a painful blur, not because she had attended but because she had not. She remembered nothing of those days and when the other deckhands asked, Sophie simply said she'd been drunk.

Clipped  )


Two Cats, One Queen

WHO: Callie Morgan, Darlene Wolff & NPC’s
WHERE: Caprica Aviation School Hanger
WHEN: Night 12 May Y1997 (Backstory)

Thump, another body falls down on the canvas as the fans cheer for the victor of the ring. A brown haired woman leaned against the ropes, head covered with protective gear and hands suitably gloved as she caught her breath from the last match. Second on the trot, there was no stopping the Queen of the ring and while she wasn’t a savage that lived for bloody sports, she had to admit to enjoying the attention. She panted for some air as the cheers sung round “Callie, Callie, CALLIE!”

No Tame Catfight )


Tension and release

WHO: Jilleen Simmons & James Chase
WHERE: His quarters after the pinning ceremony.
WHEN: After the pinning ceremony, Y02/12/05

“Thank you, sir.” James shook the Admiral Pierce’s hand. “And it’s was honor to have you administrate the oath.”

“My pleasure, Major, anytime,” said the Admiral. “The fleet could use more high-caliber officers, such as yourself and your wife. “

Tension and release )

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