November 27th, 2011

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]bsg_avalon

On Ice

Who: Jilleen Simmons, [TBD]
Where: Persephone Highlands, Aerilon
When: After escaping from Sagittaron

“Krypter! Krypter! Kypter! Colonial Raptor Four Six Constellation declaring emergency. Engine troubles, attempting to land. Anybody out there, over?” Jilleen called over the wireless on the emergency channel while Elihu prepared to land the plane onto a snow covered field. She had no idea that the communication antenna was gone from the raptor. The navigation computer had been haywire while searching for a plot and bearing signal.

Krypter! Krypter! Krypter! )

[Thread - open to those on the raptor]