November 19th, 2011

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]bsg_avalon

Saying Good-bye

Who: Jake Mackenzie & Jilleen Simmons
Where: Ft. Iwo, Sagittaron
When: Before this

“Chamber, I found one more for you. He should be with me shortly,” said Jilleen into a hand-held 2-way wireless. "He’s raptor qualified and can command that spare raptor.”

“That’s great Sheba. I’ll wait to begin the briefing when you two get here,” said Captain Chamberlain, the flight leader for the Headquarters’ raptor unit.

“No, if we don’t show up in five minutes begin without us. I’ll get him up to speed on the way,” she said outside the door way.

“Very well, see you when you get here.”

Leaving Sagittaron )