June 25th, 2011

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]bsg_avalon

Red Canyon Deal

WHO: Jilleen Simmons & Conrad Pierce
WHERE: Red Canyon, located near Tawa, Sagittaron.
WHEN: 4 weeks after Banquet for Mars, Y03/01/06

The warm summer sun in Sagittaron’s morning sky beat down on the small group of horseback riders inside the wide red canyon. Two of them wore olive drab Colonial Forces uniforms and the others in civilian riding clothes. A 100 yards behind them on the dirt road they were followed by black security sport utility vehicles. Captain Simmons rode on a brown horse next to her Commanding Officer who had the newly confirmed Prime Minister of Sagittaron to his right on horseback. The three of them lead the small group of riders.

Horse Politics  )