February 22nd, 2011

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]bsg_avalon


WHO: Sophia Cato and Jilleen Simmons
WHERE: Battlestar Avalon
WHEN: Not too long after Jill left James, Y02/12/05

The Avalon was good for one thing, in Sophie's opinion, and that was the ability to lose one's self inside of it.

She had spent weeks drifting through the lower decks, just another gearhead among gearheads. No one thought more of her than as simply part of the furniture--to the best of her supervisors, she was a useful tool but nothing more. There was a part of her that preferred this. The funeral of weeks ago was a painful blur, not because she had attended but because she had not. She remembered nothing of those days and when the other deckhands asked, Sophie simply said she'd been drunk.

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