September 18th, 2010

[info]elihu_ramai in [info]bsg_avalon

Paying Respects

WHO: Jilleen Simmons and Elihu Ramai
WHERE: The Airfield
WHEN: 04 12 Y02

“Frak, what an unbelievable day and its only started,” Jilleen said as she walked up to a tall officer with dark hair. “So when did you guys fly in?” Jilleen straighten the leather sash on her dress grey uniform tunic. She also wore a pair of black gloves out of respect for the fallen leader and Tauron tradition.

Her day started early aboard the Avalon where she stayed in hopes of spending some quality time with her husband but they both had separate schedules. She wasted nearly a full day on a battlestar waiting to see James who did not return to the ship until late. It was safe to say she was disappointed with the two hours they shared. Half the time they argued. She was tired from her journey and he was tired from the endless hours of meetings.

At the airfield at Gladius Cross, she met with members of delegations from Sagittaron and other colonies that all were on their way to pay their final respects. The prime minister was going to be buried in his home town of Tiberius which was twelve miles from the airfield.

Theoί gia na ta evlogeί. )