September 3rd, 2010

[info]sophie_cato in [info]bsg_avalon


WHO: Darlene Wolff & Sophia Cato
WHEN: Morning Y2002, Dec 3, after Retribution
WHERE: the Avalon

She was first aware of her arms when she awoke, caught by something that she couldn't get free of. In the haze of waking, her first thoughts were of the quake and Sophia inhaled sharply, choking in air in a sudden panic. It was the stagnant scent of stale air and oil that reminded her of where she was as she coughed out the breath, her eyes snapping open as she struggled to pull herself up. Her feet slid a little on the Avalon floor as she moved them, not able to separate them.

She swallowed, her throat dry and painful as she looked across the floor. She had to figure out where she was and worse, how many other saboteurs were part of the plan.

She couldn't smell fire. She hoped that meant there was still time.

[info]tom_burk in [info]bsg_avalon

May the Gods love be with you

WHO: Tom Burk and Crew
WHERE: Battlestar Avalon and Strike Group
WHEN: Y2002 Dec 2

“All stations check in for FTL Jump,” announced over the speakers ship-wide.

Commencing countdown )

[info]phoenix1775 in [info]bsg_avalon

Time for some rest

WHO: Milena Wallace and open
WHERE: Battlestar Avalon
WHEN: Y2002 Dec 3

Mila sat alone in the cramped Intel office on the Battlestar Avaon. It had been several weeks sense she had reported in and assumed her duties as an Intel officer. She had settled into her routine on board but two things seemed to haunt her, even as she looked over the latest Intel about what had happened on Tauron. The first was the presence of Tra Mitchel. She had thought she was over him. The second was the death of Darcy Selwyn, her first friend on the ship.

"Hay Mila, you've put in the hours. Why don't you get some rest. Believe me, this will all be here when you get back." Captain Franks said as he looked over her reports.

"OK sir, but I just want to finish going over these reports from.." She said, not allowed to finish.

"You're one of my best annalists lieutenant, but you're going to be no good to me if you burn out. Now go and get some rest. That's an order." Captain Franks said

"Yes sir" Mila said as she walked out the hatch into the corridor.

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]bsg_avalon


WHO: Jilleen Simmons & James Chase & Blake via email
: Colonial Expeditionary Forces HQ, Tawa, Sagittaron
WHEN: 1130hrs 02 12 Y02

In the hallway of the Expeditionary Forces Headquarters, Captain Simmons walked with Admiral Pierce’s chief of staff, Commander Kraus, to discuss the admiral’s schedule. Forces command was hectic in the last few days since the terrorist attack on Tauron that directly affected Sagittarians. They had lost an effective leader who had managed to keep the traditionally fractured Colony together since the last crisis.

On behalf of the Admiral )

After a couple of hours of finalizing her transportation and packing for the trip she sent emails.

Email Messages )