November 22nd, 2009

[info]jon_randell in [info]bsg_avalon

Night Landing

Inside the rear cabin of a Colonial Forces Raptor, Colonel Randell sat back down in the ECO's chair after the flight crew informed him of their location. The daylight from the pilot's canopy had darken as they flew into the night side of Caprica.

He grabbed a black day pack. “Hey, catch this.” He threw it at Tra. “You will find a canteen of water, a half day's ration, pocket knife, a compass and map.” He had been silent for most of the flight and did not answer the pilot's questions he may have asked about returning to Avalon.

“Like I said before, I dislike unnecessary paperwork, but I can't quiet trust you will stay out of trouble for the remainder of our port of call. Do you know how much paperwork is involved to remove someone from the number two spot in a squadron and remove them from permanent flight status?”

[info]vixen_blake in [info]bsg_avalon


WHO: Jilleen Simmons and Blake Hayward
WHERE: Caprica City, Caprica
WHEN: Second day of liberty

In the Athens Park District, not so far from her townhouse, Jilleen walked on the sidewalk and wore a flowery light color skirt with a silky peach blouse, and high heels. She took advantage of her short days off in the city to wear nothing resembling a uniform. She was excited to meet a friend that she had known since James' time in the hospital.

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