November 3rd, 2009

[info]tom_burk in [info]bsg_avalon

upgrade memo

MEMORANDUM for Lt. Darcy Selwyn

From: Commanding Officer Battlestar Avalon

Subject: DRADIS Upgrade Delta 7

I commend your personal initiative to supervise the latest software upgrade to our DRADIS systems during our liberty call to Caprica. I will note in the ship's log that you have given up your personal leave to assure this urgent and last-minute upgrade to the ship's DRADIS system. Your devotion of duty is a credit to the officers and crew of Avalon, and is well appreciated.

Well done.

Thomas Burk

Commander, CF
BSG-93 Avalon

[info]darcy_rebound in [info]bsg_avalon

Watchful Eye

WHO: Darcy Selwyn
WHERE: Battlestar Avalon, CIC
WHEN: Mid-Day

Lieutenant Darcy Selwyn stood in the hub of the ship, CIC which was normally the command post for either Admiral Burk or his XO Colonel Randall. Neither were in attendance today. Both had taken it upon themselves to enjoy a little leave during this port visit, in fact most of the ship personnel had done the same. Darcy was handed a slim white piece of paper and after thanking the junior officer with a courteous nod, she proceeded to read. It was a memo which she took a moment to read through and through before she forced a little chuckle. The Admiral took the time to write up a memo just to thank her attention to duty.

The DRADIS was scheduled for upgrades during this port visit and so despite the opportunity to take leave, she decided to stay behind and oversea the upgrades. So CIC was littered with devices, men and women working on the DRADIS console and all she could do was watch on. There were no real command decisions to be made – not unless ordering several friends from her watch to take the chance and go on leave counted. She didn’t need the guilt for making them stay just because she was.

Darcy crossed her arms and slowly patrolled around the engineers which were conducting these upgrades. She was curious about these upgrades which promised to enhance the performance of the DRADIS. The DRADIS was a vital piece of machinery, a device which was essential to the successful working of a military ship not that Avalon was expecting action or anything. Darcy supported Burk’s decision to allow the upgrade if just to keep the Avalon a head of the competition. That was why she was here. All she could do now was monitor the upgrades, the repairs and general ship life during this port leave. She had nothing more to do than that which meant she still had some spare time. For what?