Oct. 12th, 2013


As a result of the roll call, the following characters have been removed:

Allison Argent
Damon Salvatore
Darcy Lewis
Lizzie Bennet
Tara Maclay

A belated plot calendar is coming.. sometime. Sorry for the delay, guys. Lena barely managed to sit at the computer long enough to get removals done and Cindy is still AFK until about next Thursday. There will DEFINITELY be something cool for Halloween, though, and we'll get details for that and the remainder of the month posted by next week sometime.

Oct. 7th, 2013


So, Lena meant to do adds or talk someone into doing them for her last night, but then she kind of passed out mid-afternoon and barely woke up long enough to eat something at dinnertime. Sorry, guys! I'm still pretty freaking sick with this bronchitis crap it it's leading to some super crazy long naps on top of me generally feeling like crap.

I will either try to get them done today or sweet talk someone else into doing them for me, but either way, they'll be done ASAP.

Sep. 1st, 2013


Drops/Adds have been done! We've lost Dammie (Dmitri Belikov) and Val (Chloe Sullivan) for failing to check in, BB has decided to drop Eric Northman, Angie has dropped Oliver Queen and Lena has dropped Sookie Stackhouse. The lists should all be up to date, so please let us know if anything is wrong/missing!

And just a reminder, please don't forget to TAG YOUR POSTS as well as the ones you comment to! There should be a tag in the c: character name format for your characters as well as a player tag in the p: player name format. If yours is missing, please do let us know!

Finally, we are welcoming 4 new characters (or 3 new and 1 returning): Loki, Liz Parker, Jeremy Gilbert and Canton Everett Delaware III. Players, please remember that you MUST post in character within a week of acceptance and we'd recommend doing an OOC intro for plotting, as well!

In addition to our newest characters, the following characters have not made a post IC or commented on anyone else's post(s) since being added to the game.

This needs to be corrected in ONE WEEK as well or these characters will be removed from the game. This list was compiled via tags, so MAKE SURE YOU ARE TAGGING anything your character is a part of!

♥ comments, questions, etc are welcome as always!