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Oct. 30th, 2013


Hey, guys, I just went back to work this week after almost two months out on sick leave, so please bear with me as I get a handle on managing my time and getting used to working again. Ongoing to be slow for a bit until I get re-adjusted.

♥ Lena

Posted via Journaler.

Oct. 25th, 2013


Hey, guys! It's Lena and I am FINALLY back in the land of the not too sick to roleplay. I've dropped some characters to try and get my RP life back under control, so here's a list of who I have left:

| Vampire Diaries | [info]floatsfeathers 
| Lost Girl | [info]bigwolfpants 
| Buffyverse | [info]lostfaith 
| [info]reformedprat  | [info]reformedprat 
| Supernatural | [info]deservedbetter 
| Hunger Games | [info]unwillingmartyr 
| The Infernal Devices | [info]aheartdivided 

I'm going to be easing back into things and I'll try to hit the flist with comments and tags sometime today or tomorrow! If anyone wants to play Halloween or zombie related things, let me know!

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of days. Got a massive cold right along with midterms slamming me all at the same time, so it wasn't pretty really.

I would like to ask for threads or plot for Jem and Remus. I have Remus in a thread right now, but Jem would like someone to hangout with please.


Oct. 15th, 2013



October 15-19: Those people dressed as zombies, grunting and slowly walking through the street, look so life like! That’s because they are zombies. The portal accidentally sent a (put number here) of walkers through! Don’t let them bite you. One bite and you’re infected! Remember: Headshots!
3 People were attacked (GWEN, LOKI, ERIN)
2 People came to their rescue (THOR, CLINT BARTON)
A group of residents gather together to put down the walkers. (DARYL DIXON, RICK GRIMES, ARTHUR PENDRAGON, FAITH LEHANE, BUCKY BARNES, NATASHA R., Volunteer, Volunteer, etc.)

Comment below in the comment titles “The Walking Dead in Brookshore” if your kids are participating and what you’d like to volunteer for!

October 18: Full moon 23:38 (GMT).

October 20-28: Rebuilding. Comment below under rebuilding if your characters are going to help anything the walkers may have destroyed.
A team gets together to start rebuilding. (HALE SANTIAGO, ARTHUR PENDRAGON, THOR AND MORE! Feel free to post or talk to characters about rebuilding!!!)

October 24: A halloween store sets up shop overnight. The costumes are magical and when you put it on, you become that costume! Deja Vu Buffydom!!!!

October 31: Halloween! There’s the timeless act of trick-or-treating! And there is a party at the local club for 18 and older. 18 to enter, 21 to drink! Look for a thread/event closer to the date! Comment under Halloween comment with any comments or ideas.

Oct. 12th, 2013


As a result of the roll call, the following characters have been removed:

Allison Argent
Damon Salvatore
Darcy Lewis
Lizzie Bennet
Tara Maclay

A belated plot calendar is coming.. sometime. Sorry for the delay, guys. Lena barely managed to sit at the computer long enough to get removals done and Cindy is still AFK until about next Thursday. There will DEFINITELY be something cool for Halloween, though, and we'll get details for that and the remainder of the month posted by next week sometime.

Oct. 9th, 2013


So. I'd like to start playing on Liz's powers. Who wants to encounter her and witness them? They're sporadic and she can't control them, which is always fun. Anyone up for a plot where she sees something in your characters future? Because that's another power she has.






Oct. 7th, 2013


Hello again! This is Michelle of the Remus-variety, bringing in my second kid. This is James Carstairs, better known simply as "Jem". He is from the world of The Mortal Instruments/The Infernal Devices, and he's got a crazy kind of past.

Jem is a Shadowhunter, which is basically a fancy word for demon-slayer. He is of the blood the Angel Raziel, which allows him to mark his body with runes that enhance his skills and abilities. He is also a kick ass fighter, especially with his blade that he keeps concealed within his cane. So... why does a 17-year-old with badass reflexes and the job of a superhero carry a cane? Well, as a young boy, a demon tortured and killed his parents. It also tortured him by force-feeding him Yin Fen, a drug that is toxic to Shadownhunters. He was forced to take so much of it that his body now requires it in order for him to survive. Going too long without it results in terrible coughing fits. What's worse is that the drug is slowly killing him, and there is no cure.... yet.

Personality wise, Jem is very proper and a true gentleman. Being from the 1800s does have its perks. He comes from the Steampunk age, so to speak, and having lived for many years with Henry, he's likely to get used to all the technology floating around these days. Despite being very quiet, he is incredibly friendly and always willing to help no matter how much it may hurt him in the end. He is someone you can depend on, though you might feel bad leaning on him when he starts coughing. Will is his parabatai, and he is very close to him.

And... oh yeah! He loves Tessa. (:

Please throw plot my way! I would love for Jem to get involved with things right away.


So, Lena meant to do adds or talk someone into doing them for her last night, but then she kind of passed out mid-afternoon and barely woke up long enough to eat something at dinnertime. Sorry, guys! I'm still pretty freaking sick with this bronchitis crap it it's leading to some super crazy long naps on top of me generally feeling like crap.

I will either try to get them done today or sweet talk someone else into doing them for me, but either way, they'll be done ASAP.

Oct. 6th, 2013


I'm horribly sorry for being a sucky mod. I am only getting maybe twenty minutes a week on a computer until my store closing is complete :/

Two more weeks of hell. October 18th is the last day we are allowed in the old building which means everything must be out. Or we lose it.

So lots and lots of hours between both stores for Cindy still. So my activity is already completed for the month! But as far as threading after the 21st I shall be back to normal and can DEFINITELY thread without being a lame duck and taking forever.

As always email me links to things any of my kids should tag!!!

I cannot wait to be back to normal!!!


ROLL CALL: Extension and Reminder

I'm going to extend the roll call until WEDNESDAY EVENING due to the high number of players who have not checked in and the fact that I completely forgot to post a reminder since I'm still sick and I was busy sleeping like 18 hours a day or something. >>

The following people still need to check in by Wednesday October 9th at 7pm EST or they will be removed from the game:



Sep. 30th, 2013


Hi! I'm Michelle, and I'm bringing this stunning fella, Mister Remus Lupin! Also known as one-fourth of the Marauders aka Moony.

Remus is a nice chap with a deep, dark, furry secret, and it's not just his old man socks, oh no! He has monthly lunar issues that are far beyond his control, but he really does try to make things work out. He's perhaps the most mature of his group of friends (though apparently not mature enough to get into the habit of stopping James and Sirius from making fun of people INTHEIRFACES.... ahem...). Remus is studious and kind. He likes to read and do all sorts of really boring stuff, but ultimately, he is a sucker for hanging out with his friends and causing ten tons of mayhem whenever possible.

He will certainly be friendly to everyone, even perhaps those that may not be so friendly to him. He tends to turn the negatives into positives, as is his way, though the only thing he really can't fix is his blasted lycanthropy! Please don't shoot him? Pretty please? With a fluffy bunny on top? Thanks.

Also, please plot with me and this kid. We'll both really appreciate it, and we're open to just about anything. My email is, and you'll find me on AIM by the same email address.



Forgot to mention, I've changed a couple of faces.

Katniss Everdeen (this journal) is now faced by Naomi Scott and James Potter ([info]reformedprat) is now faced by Matt Dallas.

I've also done a few drops recently (and not so recently), so this is who I have left:

Bonnie Bennett | [info]floatsfeathers | The Vampire Diaries
Julia Campbell | [info]ashtoflames | Local, Musician*
Dyson | [info]bigwolfpants | Lost Girl*
Katniss Everdeen | [info]unwillingmartyr | The Hunger Games
Tessa Gray | [info]aheartdivided | The Infernal Devices*
Jo Harvelle | [info]deservedbetter | Supernatural*
Rose Hathaway | [info]roza | Vampire Academy*
Faith Lehane | [info]lostfaith | Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Kyle Miller | [info]goldenfingers | Local, rock star*
James Potter | [info]reformedprat | Harry Potter*
Jake Tatum | [info]beastlyjake | Local, bartender*
Lydia Walker | [info]seekinglove | Local, college student*
Ginny Weasley | [info]weasleychick | Harry Potter*

The ones with (*) by them are the ones I have been especially neglectful of, so I would especially like more things to do with them, please!

I'm still sick, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, so plots for everyone, please!

Sep. 17th, 2013


Hey guys!

Cindy here. I just got 40 hours a week at work, plus school. In addition to taking my niece on the weekends/cooking my bazillion meals on a Sunday. Not fun times but hey. Monies. At least closing down the store should be fun.

Anyway. That means I am going to be sporadic! PLEASE email me links to anything I might miss so my characters can comment and interact. If you want to thread anything? Start it, throw it in a gdoc and share it with me! I will tag as I can!!!

In the mean time still IM me! I will chat when I can!!! :D


FYI This may mean delays in modly things as Lena is super sick.

Sep. 10th, 2013



First, everyone give Shiri some love as she has agreed to help and come on as another mod! Some love too to Ashe who has been helping us out too. Cindy is awful with code!!!

Now, on to the other orders of business.

Due to some things that came to light this past weekend, I said that I would post something so everyone is on the same page.

First being, if you have a question and you want it answered sooner rather than later...either post it in the drop box or shoot us an email at praetormods @ gmail . com. Email will be the quickest as we can all reply immediately from mobile devices.

Second, please keep in mind that both Lena and I have full time jobs and are going to school. The semester just started please give us some time to adjust and find a balance. As well as my store is moving to a new location in less than ten days. We're pretty much be scheduled more than any of us wants to be.

Third, yes, we are asking you where your character would like to work. These pages are supplemental. I have been in several games and most games do not even respond when you post there. You will get an answer or a response. I assure you that you are not being ignored. The game has a low-key, informal setting. We do not have activity requirements. Most likely, we won't have a problem with anything you want to do. If you want your character to have start there yesterday or tomorrow, and are unsure about whether or not they would be....shoot me an IM.

Fourth, keep in mind that when you send us an email or a comment bestow upon us the same courtesy and respect that you would want us to give back to you. We are all adults and everyone should treat each other with respect, courtesy and understanding.

Lastly, these are the days that are set for modly tasks. I will post them on the holds and application, as well as the references page so that it is easily accessible.

Adds will be done on Sundays and Wednesdays. If you turn your app in later than 10:00AM EST Sunday and Wednesday morning, you will be in the next set of adds.

Businesses and educational reference pages will be done once a week on Sundays. Anything posted after 10:00AM EST will be responded and added on the next Sunday.

Please keep in mind that we have obligations. Things come up. Real life is important. Those days might not always be set in stone. If we can't do it, we will do our best to get to it the next day. Life throws curve balls. We all know this.

Just be patient and understanding and please feel free to email or IM us. We are both pretty friendly until you poke the sleeping bear! All of our information can be found over on the contact page.

Much love,

PS> Keep your eyes on the calendar. Lots of fun things the next two months!

Sep. 7th, 2013


Coming down with bronchitis. Hiatusing bc I can barely get through my mountain of schoolwork in this state. See Cindy for mod things in he meantime. If you need any of my characters, just poke me by email and I'll do my best to answer promptly. ♥ Lena

Posted via Journaler.

Sep. 1st, 2013


Yo! Shiri here with my second character ( the first being Erin ). This is Liz Parker from the way underrated and not well known fandom of Roswell. It was on about a decade and some years ago but I'm still obsessed with it.

Far too much has happened to her for me to type everything out so I'll tell you about the point I'm bringing her from and you can read the stuff that happened before hand in her profile.

Liz, who had been brought back from death by an alien, was just starting to develop her powers and she had distanced herself from the love of her life for her own safely and sanity. She enrolled herself in boarding school but the alien business caught up with her even in Vermont. Max, the alien that healed her, had died and now he was in someone's body. The body came to Vermont to kill her and in the mist of their fighting, they both fell out of the window on the top floor of the Academy. Canon stops there because Max took control of the body and saved her but that did not happen for this game. No instead she fell to the ground and died only to end up alive in Brookeshore.

Liz is your basic girl next door who loves science and school and journaling. Only she's not as human as she appears. In fact, she is now a human/alien hybrid due to being saved by Max when she was fifteen. I look forward to exploring her powers more here and will be definitely throwing up threads where her powers come into play because she can't control them. You can find a list of those in her profile page. One of the ones I would really like to play on, though, is her ability to see the future by touching people. She can't control it but I think it would be a fun thing to throw into threads.

That's it! If you have any questions, hit me up! I look forward to plotting with all of you.


Hey, guys!

So, my RP folder was kind of overwhelmingly FULL and I didn't want to start off a new month so insanely behind, especially when I'm trying to juggle my schoolwork with RP, so I sort of deleted everything in it in an effort to start fresh. That said, if we had something going on that you would really like to continue, please let me know and link me to said something and I will be happy to toss in a response.

♥ Lena (and her bazillion characters she is too lazy to list right now)


Businesses Reference Page


Please take a moment and check out the updated Businesses page! If your character does not have a job, please comment and pick one! ALSO. If you don't see a job there that your character wants, give me a name and a blurb and I will add it!

Same goes for the School page! I need Character name, whether they are a student or teacher and grade they are in or that they teach.



Drops/Adds have been done! We've lost Dammie (Dmitri Belikov) and Val (Chloe Sullivan) for failing to check in, BB has decided to drop Eric Northman, Angie has dropped Oliver Queen and Lena has dropped Sookie Stackhouse. The lists should all be up to date, so please let us know if anything is wrong/missing!

And just a reminder, please don't forget to TAG YOUR POSTS as well as the ones you comment to! There should be a tag in the c: character name format for your characters as well as a player tag in the p: player name format. If yours is missing, please do let us know!

Finally, we are welcoming 4 new characters (or 3 new and 1 returning): Loki, Liz Parker, Jeremy Gilbert and Canton Everett Delaware III. Players, please remember that you MUST post in character within a week of acceptance and we'd recommend doing an OOC intro for plotting, as well!

In addition to our newest characters, the following characters have not made a post IC or commented on anyone else's post(s) since being added to the game.

This needs to be corrected in ONE WEEK as well or these characters will be removed from the game. This list was compiled via tags, so MAKE SURE YOU ARE TAGGING anything your character is a part of!

♥ comments, questions, etc are welcome as always!

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