Sep. 23rd, 2009



Aunt Jenny is changing the deal on him again. All he was supposed to have to do was to move to this forsaken small-town-nowhere and finish high school without getting arrested. If it wasn't for Mr. Madison's stupid English class he would have been done, but summer school meant getting shipped off to Colorado for three months. And then Aunt Jenny said he should go visit his Mom in Florida for two weeks, which was kind of like hell, but with booze. And now he's come back, and instead of moving out Aunt Jenny has converted his entire savings (for the account he had been required to cosign her on) into a trust he can't touch until he's twenty-one, so if he wants his money, that he earned, legally, he's got to stick around for another three damn years.

And to top it all off, the nightmares got so bad back in Florida he's started having to keep the lights on all the time in his basement. He's also spending more and more time outside during the day, though he hasn't quite lost his "geek-pallor" yet.

Today he's sitting in the park with his laptop, leeching WiFi from Habitat. He started the afternoon researching how to not get caught setting up offshore accounts, but he keeps finding himself drifting. He had another nightmare last night, and it won't shake.

May. 2nd, 2009


heads up, kids

"...and King Arthur almost makes it with a goose."

Opinion is divided, among the student body, on Mr. Madison, but he is rarely accused of being boring.

"That's the first part, which is all we're going to have time for, this sucker is long. But if you wind up reading the rest over the summer, I won't breathe a word." He leans on the desk, sharp-eyed as ever, if a little worn of late. "Questions. Hit me."

[Group scene, threadjacking encouraged, talk amongst yourselves!]