April 10th, 2010

[info]greenwoodlady in [info]britannia_ny

attn: Ken and Arthur (dinner party redux)

Ivy is beginning to have her doubts about this whole thing, but she owes it to Arthur, and to Ken now too, she thinks, so she makes sure Arthur gets the invitation and on Friday evening she gets home early, does her best to clean the house (or at least the first floor) to something reasonably decent, and brings home rib steaks for Ken to deal with.

A tiny part of her, more Ivy than Ragnelle, wants to impress the King, the High King of Britain, just a little. The only outward result of this is the fact that she's wearing the nicest dress that she can get away with for the occasion, Ken's favourite green one that looks like summertime and greenery and a kind of sweet eternity, and has her hair done up much fancier than usual.

Apart from that she seems no different from usual, ridiculously exuberant as she tumbles down the stairs shoeless and starts setting the table for supper.