February 3rd, 2010

[info]fumblingtowards in [info]britannia_ny

attn: Lexi and Isaiah

The weekend away in the city did him good; he took the train down on Friday afternoon and spent Saturday and Sunday with friends and their daughter, who loved Sheila and fussed over her enough to last a few weeks at least (she smells a little bit like teenager-perfume). The next week was uneventful, and he followed his usual routine of home to school to home again, working studiously and not doing much in the way of getting out.

But now it's Friday again and there's still some unfinished business to take care of, so once school lets out around three he and Sheila make the easy, if cold, walk down to the bakery. His hand is clasped tight on her lead, and his quiet blue eyes are determined.

[info]everaggravated in [info]britannia_ny

Open (tag Jacob)

Now that the holidays are over, Laurel doesn't have much of an excuse to be working constantly anymore - at least not as constantly as she has been. And she's started to feel a little bit guilty about shutting everyone out so thoroughly, though "everyone" is not an extensive list.

So she's off today, the shop closed. She plans to spend the morning around town, getting some errands done, and perhaps in the afternoon she'll figure out how to say what's been on her mind to those who need to hear it.

Well. Part of what's been on her mind at least.