January 25th, 2010

[info]savagedamsel in [info]britannia_ny

Open Post: Introducing Karen

It's cold, and for whatever reason that pisses her off. As if job hunting weren't hideous enough to start with. After standing at the kitchen sink while finishing up her coffee, Karen heads out, gets into what used to be her Gran's car, and heads into town.

She knows there are at least a couple places that might serve espresso, even though she's been in town only a couple of times. This isn't really then best day for job hunting, but she'll feel better if she at least fills out a couple of applications. She's got a little money cushion, but not much. She's been sleeping so badly this past week, and she's just going to keep telling herself it's the money situation and the soul-killing boredom.

Karen parks the car, and decides exploring on foot won't kill her. Her hands shoved deep into the pockets of her coat, she starts to make her way up the main drag.