December 7th, 2009

[info]keytothecastle in [info]britannia_ny

Errands (open)

Ken was the type of guy who made lists. He wasn't married to them (for one, no one married to Ivy could have stayed so very long without at least a modicum of flexibility), but making them seemed to cut the world into manageable chunks.

Today it was a list of errands. Monday was typically one of the two days he took for himself a week, but that didn't mean he would waste it. He needed to go pick up something at the post office, stop by the library to get something he'd put on hold, and he'd thought he might grab something at the bakery on the way home to surprise his wife.

And while Ken has never been one to strike up conversations with strangers, really, he's not in a poor enough mood to shut down attempts to talk to him. At least, from most people.