October 18th, 2009

[info]everaggravated in [info]britannia_ny

Autumn Comes (open)

Ever since her partner had retired and sold her the other half of the flower shop, Laurel has known she really should hire at least one more employee. But she's found it easier to just work herself. It's not like her hours are that insane (though perhaps she should find time for more than one day off a week, true), or like she has a great many other demands on her time.

In all honesty, working at the flower shop is one thing Laurel knows she's very good at. She has that to hang on to. Today, she's out front, arranging some seasonal displays; things that suggest harvests, pumpkins, and turning leaves.

She's considering stopping by the bakery on the way home. She could afford to treat herself, just a bit. And her small burst of extroversion seems to have passed; a quiet evening at home is more or less what she hopes for and expects these days.