August 18th, 2009

[info]scoffandjest in [info]britannia_ny

open post

The start of school, as many in Britannia are no doubt acutely aware, is approaching. As much as Daniel likes to maintain an air of complete disorganization, the beginning of the year is close enough that he has conceded defeat and begun, reluctantly, to work on lesson plans.

Rather than at home or in the school, however, he has found a coffee shop with outside tables and set up camp there. If he's forced to do work, at least it can be in the sunlight. (As for his dreams, they've continued and he's continued not to trouble himself about them. Unlike the others, he has no look of sleeplessness or lines of care, nor does he spend a great deal of time wondering if it's normal for dreams to be so linear and logical, and to feature as players people from his daily life who are, yet aren't, themselves. Really, the only effect has been a great desire to propose Camelot to the principal as the year's musical.)

All things considered, he's in a rather good mood and, considering the way he smiles at anyone who passes, probably seems quite approachable.

[info]murse in [info]britannia_ny

Out on the Town (Open RP/Text for Jasper)

((Anyone who'd like to hang out with Isaiah is welcome to wander by!))

A thousand times I've seen you standing/gravity like a lunar landing/make me want to run till I find you/Shut the world away from here/drift to you, you're all I hear/everything we know fades to black/Half the time the world is ending/truth is I am done pretending/I never thought that I/had any more to give/Pushing me so far/here I am without you/Drink to all that we have lost/mistakes that we have made/Everything will change/Love remains the same )

Text for Jasper )

((Warning: Bad words and possible NSFW things ahead. Proceed with caution.))