August 15th, 2009

[info]nathanofthelake in [info]britannia_ny

Phone Call (Closed RP)

Don't know if our fate's already sealed/This day's spinning surface on a wheel/I'm ill with the thought of your kiss/Coffee laced intoxicating on her lips/Shut it out/I've got no claim on you now/Not allowed to wear your freedom down/No/Is there a chance?/A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel?/A reason to fight?/Is there a chance you may chance your mind?/Or are we ashes and wine? )

[info]murse in [info]britannia_ny

Accidental Arrivals (Closed RP)

((EDIT: Now NSFW. It's Tristen and Isolde. What can I say?))

Still life and memories waltz out the door/Is there relief in wanting what was yours/No friend or doctor knows what to say/Blind to forever standing in the way/You could be mistaken, lost in how it ends/cause only in the movies things make sense/Let every stupid story take away your doubts/cause only in the movies things work out )

[info]everaggravated in [info]britannia_ny

Another phone call (for Jim)

The universe, at times, has a very sick sense of humor. Laurel has been thinking about Nathan, how weird but not unpleasant her conversation with him had been, and about the woman she'd dreamed she'd been since she was a girl.

And Laurel finally admitted to herself that, deep down, she was irrationally afraid of falling for a man who didn't love her back. But Jim was not, in any conceivable way, the man she'd dreamed about. If that were even possible, which it wasn't.

She felt more than a little stupid, calling him, but she would feel worse if she wondered, for weeks, whether there was anything going on or not, and was finally forced to concede there wasn't when enough time had passed. She hoped it wouldn't come to that. She liked him - she wanted this to work.

So, thanks to Nathan, her dreams, and the sense of upheaval both have caused... she's listening to Jim's phone ring, telling herself that she is an adult woman and that there's no need to feel like she's seventeen again.