
Welcome to the Brightstar Reserve, nestled in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana. It's employees are responsible for a large and diverse group of beasts, beings, and plant life. Located across Hercinia Lake from the small, unincorporated municipality of Snowcap, the Reserve is far from the unrest in cities like New York, Salem, Chicago, and Monterey, just as everyone likes it.

However, just like the latest trends, politics and discord never seem to stay confined to the cities for long. Beings and those with cross-species lineage are pushing back against generations of regulations and even deeper entrenched suspicions. Leaving one to ask, what does it mean to be magical?

Posts Tagged: 'character:+tony+wyrzykowski'

Jul. 21st, 2019



Who: Tony and Nat Wyrzykowski
What: Tony is back in town and they need to talk
When: Friday, July 19, 2019 | morning
Where: Nat's house
Warnings: Feels, man. Mention of NPC death.

That's not the greeting I expected. )

Jul. 12th, 2019



Texts, sent Friday midday

Nat )

Cate & Kent )

Fitz )

Njall )



Who: Tony W and Dante Abellard (and NPC lawyer, Mr. Kidd)
What: A distressing phone call, followed by an accidental meeting of crossbreeds, and what they do about it.
When: Friday, July 12, morning.
Where: Outside the administration building, Brightstar Reserve.
Warnings: Language, emotions, kinda scary use of elemental powers.

Didn't anybody ever tell you not to eavesdrop? )

Jul. 10th, 2019



Official Announcement )

Jul. 9th, 2019



TO: As listed below
FROM: Felix and Njall
WHEN: Tuesday, July 9, 2019
WHAT: Presents from England (and the World's Shortest Honeymoon)

Items are delivered to their home doorsteps unless specified otherwise. Each also includes a wedding picture, because they're dorks like that.

Nat + Zarya )
Tony )
Stevie )
JJ )
Alex )
Finn )
Bettina )
Laura )
Derry )
Thorne )
Cate )
Rory )
Joe )



Who: Cate Adler, Kent Brightstar, Tony Wyrzykowski
What: Kent's birthday weekend away
When: Thursday, June 27, 2019 (backdated)
Where: Cate's house, then cabaña in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Warnings: Plenty of sexy implications, [metaphoric] character death

Just the three of us, the sand, the waves, and a pretty little cabaña by the sea for the next four days. )

Jul. 8th, 2019



There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. )

Jul. 6th, 2019



Greetings from England )

Jul. 2nd, 2019



Life's a beach )

Jun. 27th, 2019



Happiest of Birthdays )

Jun. 21st, 2019



WHO: Everyone at Brightstar, Notable People with $$$, and anyone who paid for a ticket
WHAT: Masquerade at the Reserve
WHEN: 21 June 2019
WHERE: Eastern Meadow
RATING: SFW only, please

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. )

Jun. 11th, 2019



I will go down with this ship )

Jun. 9th, 2019



A virtual rainforest )

Jun. 8th, 2019




Which is to say that I'm officially moving out of my parents' house. I poked around at the few of the places you guys mentioned (THANK YOU for your help!), but ultimately ended up with an entirely different one that I happened to see on the way to look at another. The owner is moving to another territory to be closer to her grown son and his family, but she isn't ready to sell her house outright because it needs some work—which is perfect for me, since I'm looking for a rental, but having the option to maybe buy later is nice.

AND I happen to know some super nice witches and wizards who I figured might help me with fixing the place up a bit, since I get a deal on the rent if I do....

Pretty please?

Isn't it cute????? )

Jun. 6th, 2019



Who: Tony Wyrzykowski and Cate Adler
What: Tony and Cate both have some feelings to work out after Kent's Big Night.
When: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 | Evening
Where: The Kestrel (of course)
Warnings: BIG EMOTION, small kissing and very mild sex talk

You're worth it. )

Jun. 5th, 2019



Who: Jesse, Nat, Tony, and Stevie W
What: Family meeting to discuss all the new things they're learning.
When: Saturday, May 25, 2019 | evening (backdated)
Where: Jesse's house, Snowcap.
Warnings: FEELS, non-graphic discussion of past child neglect/abuse

Some stuff's been coming up lately, important stuff. )

Jun. 4th, 2019



Who: Kent Brightstar and Tony Wyrzykowski
What: Bruised Face, Dignity in Shambles (shame shame shame)
When: 4 June 2019 | Late Evening (after the viewing party)
Where: The Reserve Bunkhouse
Warnings: Language and TV-MA Sexy Times, including some mild submission kink and discussion of that kink. Also feels. Just feels all over the place.

Are you trying to make me say it? )



Art & Soul Watch Party )



IC/OOC - Quodpot Photoshoot (6/4 to 6/7)

Creatures and Quodpotters and Shenanigans-Oh, My! )

Jun. 3rd, 2019



For anybody who's been living under a rock or is old and unhip, my first episode of Art & Soul airs tomorrow night and Nat and I are having a watch party at our house. Everybody's invited! I've been told by Kent and Cate, who might be biased, that I'm pretty good at this acting thing [poorly drawn winky face]

Anyway, free popcorn and booze, and some of my friends from Quodpot who are in town for the calendar photoshoot will be there, so come and show them how Northwest throws a party. The show starts at 8, the party starts at 6 or whenever you can make it. Don't dress up or anything, it's not that kind of party. Questions? Comments? Write in below or talk to me when you see me.