
Welcome to the Brightstar Reserve, nestled in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana. It's employees are responsible for a large and diverse group of beasts, beings, and plant life. Located across Hercinia Lake from the small, unincorporated municipality of Snowcap, the Reserve is far from the unrest in cities like New York, Salem, Chicago, and Monterey, just as everyone likes it.

However, just like the latest trends, politics and discord never seem to stay confined to the cities for long. Beings and those with cross-species lineage are pushing back against generations of regulations and even deeper entrenched suspicions. Leaving one to ask, what does it mean to be magical?

Posts Tagged: '%21journal'

Jun. 19th, 2019



So whoever had the bright idea of trying to prank me or whatever today, I'm just going to put this right here: You can FUCK right off and leave me the hell alone!

Jun. 11th, 2019



Good news: my paper has been accepted by the Draconic Authority Bureau. I can officially add Dragon Specialist to my CV and list of certifications.

Bad news: the dragon office does not have the funds in their 2019-2020 budget to employ an additional full-time Dragon Specialist.

Good news: there is a position in Fairies that needs to be temporarily filled due to maternity leave.

Jun. 8th, 2019




Which is to say that I'm officially moving out of my parents' house. I poked around at the few of the places you guys mentioned (THANK YOU for your help!), but ultimately ended up with an entirely different one that I happened to see on the way to look at another. The owner is moving to another territory to be closer to her grown son and his family, but she isn't ready to sell her house outright because it needs some work—which is perfect for me, since I'm looking for a rental, but having the option to maybe buy later is nice.

AND I happen to know some super nice witches and wizards who I figured might help me with fixing the place up a bit, since I get a deal on the rent if I do....

Pretty please?

Isn't it cute????? )

Jun. 6th, 2019




I think I may have found myself lost at least 3 times so far. I know it's not that difficult, but the set up here is different than the reserve I worked at before I transferred here. So, if you see this strange brunette walking around as if she's lost, it's me..

Hello, I'm Andi Kingsland and I hail from Australia. If you see me wandering, just point me back towards the Unicorns, it's where I am supposed to be anyway.

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Bad news: Vacation is over.

Good news: Snowcap, you're not losing me yet.

That's right. I'm here to stay! I've got an apartment now and I started working for the Northwest Auror Office today.

It was mostly paperwork and admin meetings today but please do not be in a hurry to get into trouble and call your friendly neighborhood Auror.



For anybody who's been living under a rock or is old and unhip, my first episode of Art & Soul airs tomorrow night and Nat and I are having a watch party at our house. Everybody's invited! I've been told by Kent and Cate, who might be biased, that I'm pretty good at this acting thing [poorly drawn winky face]

Anyway, free popcorn and booze, and some of my friends from Quodpot who are in town for the calendar photoshoot will be there, so come and show them how Northwest throws a party. The show starts at 8, the party starts at 6 or whenever you can make it. Don't dress up or anything, it's not that kind of party. Questions? Comments? Write in below or talk to me when you see me.

May. 30th, 2019



Coffee. I am going to need more of it.

I got a creative thought at 2 AM. I haven't been back to bed yet.

BUT - I have an entire promotional campaign outlined complete with a power point presentation.

But now I need more coffee.

Now...on to emails and this blueberry muffin.

Update: I accidentally grabbed a banana nut muffin. It was a questionable choice.

May. 28th, 2019



Finding a small place of my own is way more difficult than I thought it would be in a town I thought I knew like the back of my hand.

Oh yeah. Did I mention I'm going to be moving out of my parents' house? FINALLY. (Said Mom, when I told her.) If anyone knows of small-ish places for rent, send them my way.

Thorne )
Nora )
Tony and Kent )

May. 27th, 2019



Meetings, meetings, meetings.

Why did nobody tell me that moving up the ladder meant that I would have my hands in the dirt less and sitting on meetings more. As it looks now, I will be spending most of Wednesday in meetings.

Do you think you can keep Cao distracted on Wednesday afternoon/early evening? I have to go over to Laramie to pick up the ring. And the wine. And a lot of other things.

Does someone want to volunteer to dogsit on Sunday?



For those of you out there looking to get into art - primarily sketching - let me share this tip with you.

It's a twofer.

Part one - don't sketch in bed with charcoals - it creates an absolute mess.

Part two - teach someone in your life how to massage the cramps out of your hand if you know that you will have longer sessions or you will end up looking like a stand-in for Captain Hook.

In other news - I have been sketching with charcoals and I think I need to go out and replace my sheets.

I will post it to my social media stuff once I am a bit happier with it.

Warded to Thorne )

May. 26th, 2019



I have arrived!

Well, actually I've been here for a few days already, but I've been busy from travelling (drove here on the motorcycle) and warning my siblings first.

So I haven't lived in Snowcap for... 20 years. Have things changed? Is the Kestral still the best place to get a drink?

May. 23rd, 2019



I officially have the world's best roommate. I dare anyone to challenge me on this. Case in point: I got home from work today and found a Madeira cake waiting on the kitchen counter for me. (I guess all those sticky notes I was leaving finally paid off?)

Long story short, anyone in the herbology offices tomorrow can swing by and taste this masterpiece. Anyone else? Maybe start running now and see if you get lucky.

May. 22nd, 2019



[Proudfoots (includes Laura + Rory)]
Um so... just a heads up that I'm planning to head down to San Diego this weekend, and I won't actually be back until Wednesday.

...because I have an interview CREATURE's office there. I mean, I applied to their main office in Monterey as well but I've actually heard back from the SD office, and well I have an interview there next Tuesday.

Anyway just wanted to give y'all a heads up before I forgot to let anyone aside from Thorne know.

Hey, dude, remember all those 'fancy' plans I had? Looks like one of them is actually maybe going to pan out. Headed down to SD for the weekend but also got an interview on Tuesday with CREATURE there. Anyway I don't know how often you guys talk or whatever but um I need for you to like not mention anything to Alex.


Also please tell me this isn't as crazy an idea as what some people might think it is. I mean, I've other options but I'm like hinging on one just so I can be closer to a boyfriend I've known for a little over a month. [...] Okay, so it's probably a little crazy?

May. 16th, 2019



Today I discovered that the on/off and volume function on the radio in the Flying Creatures office isn't working. I discovered this because I had to listen to Parry Naysmith for nearly half an hour longer than any sane person would wish to, while she pontificated on many of the subjects she knows nothing about (and that's a LOT). Some of the 'highlights' included:

  • witches should stay home to look after their kids and not work after but OF COURSE THAT DOESN'T APPLY TO HER
  • registration shouldn't concern anybody with nothing to hide
  • in fact, it should be extended to part humans born outside of the Confederation being banned from residency on native soil

    and, my personal favourite,

  • that it wouldn't surprise her if it was part humans who sparked off the witch hunt scare in Salem, not 'actual witches', but she didn't have time to, you know, actually do her research and be proved wrong.

    I'm pretty sure that to turn this off, I'm going to have to destroy the radio, or at least schedule my office time for when the WWN Talk Radio Hour isn't on. However, they did have on Wanda Spell opposing her right after and she took her down in about three sentences, so that was some small comfort.
  • May. 15th, 2019



    001: Tonya Staviski

    Everything is unpacked, the boys have gone home and it's just me. Being back in Snowcap permanently is going to be an adjustment but I'm looking forward to it. I didn't realize that I had actually misssed it here until I came back. I have a lot to catch up on so feel free to come over anytime. I'm not starting work until Monday so I'm trying to convince myself to finish unpacking and not spent the entire time in the greenhouse.

    May. 14th, 2019



    Mothers Day has been and gone, and the first one away from home was certainly one to think about. It does take some getting used to, being so far away from Charleston, but having my internship and plenty of work to do is a distraction, at least. I've also probably got through more books in the last couple of months than I did my entire last year at Roanoke, I think.

    May. 13th, 2019



    [Warded to Brightstar Staff + Cate]

    Well, now you know what I did. Thanks Luka Gebhardt. Please forward all threats and complaints to HR. Any Howlers won't be getting to me and you'll just be annoying the fuck out of those in Security of you send them. Email is currently being forwarded to your boss.

    See you when I see you. Or not. Haven't decided yet.



    [info]brightstar I am pondering doing grill-outs this summer. Namely because the kitchen gets really hot and I have some very good ideas for what can be done on a grill - meat and veggie wise.

    Would this be something you all would be interested in? Namely - would anyone be interested in helping work the grill being that's it's outdoors and you would be asked to grill things and not be able to drink a beer while doing so.

    But I would love you forever.

    Just curious.

    May. 10th, 2019



    Okay, okay. Is this thing on?

    Hello everyone, my name is Matt, and the rumors you've heard are true: my middle name is DRAGONS.



    Well, one perk of the off season is that some much needed post-Vegas drinks are not exactly frowned upon...