
Welcome to the Brightstar Reserve, nestled in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana. It's employees are responsible for a large and diverse group of beasts, beings, and plant life. Located across Hercinia Lake from the small, unincorporated municipality of Snowcap, the Reserve is far from the unrest in cities like New York, Salem, Chicago, and Monterey, just as everyone likes it.

However, just like the latest trends, politics and discord never seem to stay confined to the cities for long. Beings and those with cross-species lineage are pushing back against generations of regulations and even deeper entrenched suspicions. Leaving one to ask, what does it mean to be magical?

August 30th, 2019



Who: Ford Harper and Andi Kingsland
What: Hanging out on transplant day
When: Sunday, August 25, 2019 | afternoon
Where: Brightstar Reserve medical
Warnings: Lots of medical stuff

Today had been the transplant. )



The beach makes everything better. )



Who: Will Moody and Andi Kingsland
What: Unicorn troubles
When: Bright and early Saturday morning, August 31
Where: The unicorn grove
Warnings: heckin concern

I have not heard the forest so quiet before. )



I've never seen this before.... )



Memorandum from the Grass Department )



WHO: Ford Harper, Thorne Proudfoot, brief appearance by Njall Strand-Weissman, Harper parental NPCs
WHAT: Testing the transplant results
WHEN: Saturday, August 31, 2019 | 9 am
WHERE: Brightstar Reserve Medical
WARNINGS: It's not good news

It was nothing he hadn't been through before. )