
Welcome to the Brightstar Reserve, nestled in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana. It's employees are responsible for a large and diverse group of beasts, beings, and plant life. Located across Hercinia Lake from the small, unincorporated municipality of Snowcap, the Reserve is far from the unrest in cities like New York, Salem, Chicago, and Monterey, just as everyone likes it.

However, just like the latest trends, politics and discord never seem to stay confined to the cities for long. Beings and those with cross-species lineage are pushing back against generations of regulations and even deeper entrenched suspicions. Leaving one to ask, what does it mean to be magical?

March 25th, 2019



Who: All reserve folks
What: March potluck
When: Monday, March 25
Where: Brightstar breakroom/cafeteria
Warnings: None yet

Theme: not sandwiches )



Who: Tony W and Fitz P
What: Gym, brah
When: Monday evening, 25 March
Where: The Brightstar staff gym
Warnings: Have they got licenses to carry those guns???

You're young, you're good-looking, you're fun, even if you're not as funny as you think you areā€¦ go forth and date, buddy. )



I got my project idea approved - I did go with the effective growth of dittany in differing climates in the end - and I'm on top of the various tasks for training. That meant I can have something vaguely resembling a life outside the greenhouses, and that meant I could plan my next visit back home to Charleston! Mom and Dad are visiting way before that happens, though, so that's another thing to plan. So, it's been a pretty productive week so far. I like that.



Who: Dave and Danielle, your hosts with the mosts
What: The Quidditch Hour on WSRN
When: Monday, 25 March 2019, 9 am
Where: Anywhere your radio is :)
Warnings: Quidditch!
OOC Note: For those with characters interested in Quidditch, please keep an eye on the official tournament bracket! I'll keep updating it with results as the tournament goes on. ~Calli

Hey there, sports fans! )



Who: Felix Weissman, Kent Brightstar, Chuck Brand
What: Discussing some suspicious activity, as arranged here
When: Sunday, March 24, 2019 | 2:00 pm
Where: MoAv Coffee in Billings
Warnings: Language

I need your word that this will not go beyond this table for now. )



Close to Midnight, 3/25

[Felix Weissman]

Found something pursuant to our conversation yesterday. Having it sent to your office. Your eyes only.

If it's intercepted, there will be consequences.

[A copy of the reports on an unresolved but localized evident 'stomach virus' that affected a brace of hinkypunks six months ago. The issue resolved on its own, but a firm diagnosis was never reached.]