Posts Tagged: 'caspian'

Oct. 20th, 2009



Because some things need to be shared

Shortly after Monty discovered that he's been infected with the truthiness, he and Caspian had the following exchange:

In which Monty panics and Caspian tries to help ... )

Oct. 12th, 2009


I completely disavow my mun, and any responsibility for the fact that she is having Mr. Williams there hitting on anything that crosses his path. Not to mention the fact that somehow, HE is special enough to get excepted from this current truth-telling thing. Anyone want an extra Winchester for a few days?

Oct. 10th, 2009


What next, a love-in?

I thought for sure when the truthful experiment showed up, my mun would be sharp enough to opt OUT of something that potentially painful and stupid. But no. You know what she does? She signs me up. Knowing everything that I do and don't know. What the hell was she thinking.


Why is my mun so retarded? We all know she isn't going to thread with herself but oh, ho! Let's make Caspian ask about Dorian Gray. I hate her. Can I get a new one?