Breaking Point


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November 9th, 2010


Note: Bryn

Who: Rose and Bryn
Where: Newton Family Farm
When: 9 November 2025
Summary: Rose goes in search of some help

I can't be alone )



RP: Jamie, Ginny

Who: Jamie, Ginny
Where: Shell Cottage
When: after work, 9 November, 2025
Summary: Jamie has things he still needs to share with Ginny

Would you like to move in with us? )

RP: Amelia and Kingsley

Who: Amelia Bones and Kingsley Shacklebolt
Where: Ministry, administrative offices
When: 9 November 2025, morning
Summary: Newly arrived from death/the past, Amelia is back at work at the Ministry and greeted by an old acquaintance.

As the morning wore on, she only became more annoyed. )



RP: Petition to the Wizengamot

Who: Stephen, Andromeda, Wizengamot
Where: Ministry
When: 9 November, 2025
Summary: Stephen and Andromeda try to get an annulment.

Petition to the Wizengamot )