Breaking Point


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June 10th, 2010



RP: Jacob and Marlene

Who: Jacob Selwynn and Marlene McKinnon
Where: The Farm House
When: June 10, 2025
Jacob and Marlene talk

So I see you're making changes. )

OWLs: Rose and Bryn

Who: Jasper Newton, Bryn Newton and Rose Newton Weasley
Where: Skies
When: June 10, 2025
Rating/Warning: -
Summary: Jasper admits things

To Rose )

Bryn )

RP: Dom and Rose

Who: Dominique and Rose Weasley
Where: Dom's suites at Hogwarts
When: June 10, 2025
Summary: Rose goes and asks an expert

I have a few questions )



RP: James & Harry

Who: James Potter & his son (open to Ginny as well?)
Where: Harry & Ginny's suites at Hogwarts
When: June 10, 2025
Summary: James needs someone who will see things his way

He'd known Al was a bit mental 'round the edges, but this?? )