February 20th, 2010

[info]blktauna in [info]bpal_review

Lupercalia '10 - Ode to Ares

I knew I'd be in trouble when I saw these. So I broke down and got an imp of each.
The tests so far

Armed With Bronze
Champaca, pear, cedar, black pepper, jasmine, and red sandalwood.

The surprise winner for me so far. A big bunch of jasmine, a cut pear and a tiny bite of pepper in a big bowl of water. I'm huffing my arm. Delicious. I may need bulk purchasing.

Rose otto, lychee, and cistus absolute.

Tasty. Again I can taste it more than smell it. Rich rose of the peacock queen sort with a bit of watery sweetness from the lychee. Almost like a fainter smell of lychee jellies. Sadly it fades instantly and has little throw.

Tangerine, cypress, and white musk.

Mouth watering tangerine with a tiny undercurrent of the wood. Sadly it's gone almost as soon as I pop the cap back on.

Vetiver, patchouli, white pepper, and grapefruit.

No obvious grapefruit, sadly, but this is a wonderful bonfire scent. It smells like Pennsic on drum crawl night.

Clove, anise, mandarin, and cumin.

Yule Revel. Cloven fruit and Pizzelles. Holy crap delicious.

Destroyer of Men
Tonka, benzoin, black sandalwood, and nutmeg.

This one is odd. Tonnes of throw. Weirdly it's like a more robust version of those Chinese sandalwood soaps. Nice but not what I expected.
edit: Now I know what it smells like... Oil of Olay. @.@