December 9th, 2007

[info]blktauna in [info]bpal_review

Hello again all!

Anyone going to the Will-Call events?

If you do please share!


To keep things uniform, please use the following format for your reviews:

BPAL Description -

Initial sniff from bottle -

Wet on skin -

Dry on skin -

Staying Power & Throw -

Overall Opinion -

Recommendations for Similar Scents -
Tags: ,

[info]blktauna in [info]bpal_review

BPAL items expected shortly, as they are not coming from the lab ;)

* Rose Red: The perfected winter rose, dew covered and freshly cut.
* Fruit of Paradise: The Fruit of Paradise, the Nectar of Death: bittersweet pomegranate.
* Egg Nog 07:Sweet brandy, dark rum, heavy cream, sugar, and a dash of nutmeg.
* El Dia De Reyes: Hot cocoa with cinnamon, coffee, and brown sugar.
* Libra 2007: Rose, black cherry, carnation, fig, honey, plum, and black currant.

Reviews as they land.
I'm fairly sure I will be passing on El Dia De Reyes as I hate coffee. I'm very much looking forward to Rose Red as I am an inveterate Rose junkie.