Mar. 30th, 2008


James is in the house!

As some of you guys may have noticed, [info]hot_pants James Potter is now in the house! Add him to your flist, try not to wince at the lack of punctuation and keep having fun!

Also, don't forget you can use this to add everyone at once and VOTE HERE.

Mar. 19th, 2008




I play Lex Luthor in my spare time. He's the Beauxbatons Potions Master.

I like the colour purple but prefer blue. Batman Reigns Supreme. I answer to Lex-mun. I'm sort of a misanthrope. And I am owned by a cat that often attempts to distract me from the computer.

Mar. 18th, 2008


2 new characters!

Two announcements.

1) You guys are AWESOME. But that's not much of an announcement since you already know that.

2) We now have a Lily Evans ([info]light_your_way) from Harry Potter and Lex Luthor ([info]theriac) from Smallville joining us in the game! Ash, the wickedly cool player behind Lucius, is taking up Lily and Willow the lickably likeable is going to be playing Lex.

Please friend them both! And don't forget, you can go here to friend all the chars at once.