June 26th, 2008

[info]islay in [info]bocadeinferno

the first day (open to all)

Buffy felt her stomach flop. She hated this. She just wanted to be back at Hemry, sipping a frap, and gossiping with her now-ex-friends. She SO did not want to be here, in her mother's Jeep, in front of a new school, full of strangers, in a town that was two hours and a freeway from Neman Marquis. "We're here," she heard her mother say, an awkward attempt to get her out the door. "I think this'll be good for us, Buffy."

Buffy turned to her and slapped on a smile. "Yeah. I'll see you after school."

"Have a good day," her mother said, and Buffy couldn't help but wonder if that was even possible. She opened the door and slid out of the Jeep. She could wake up any moment now. The last year could have just been a really awful nightmare. She could've had a little too much of Brady's blueberry schnapps and ralphed again all over his mom's shoes.

"Oh, and Buffy?"

Buffy frowned. Nope. Real. She took a deep breath and turned around. "Yeah, mom?"

"Try not to get kicked out of school?"

Buffy's heart sank. "Promise," she said softly, looking into her mother's terrified and disappointed eyes. I'm so sorry, Buffy thought. "I'll see you at home." Buffy tried to smile again, but couldn't. Buffy turned back to the school. Okay, self. New girl chic. You can totally pull this off. Adjusting the strap of her bag, Buffy began the trek into Sunnydale High.

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