June 25th, 2008

[info]dopplegangland in [info]bocadeinferno

Narrative: Jeremy Creek

12 years ago, his world had succumbed in a cloud of fire and ash.

Succumbed. It should have ended. It was the only way he'd ever be able to deal with the humiliation of being strung up in that field.

The scarecrow.

They say, people in comas can hear everything that is said around them, they just can't respond. This became his world, listening to the nurses chatter and life going on around him, as he laid there. Unable to live with his humiliation and unable to die from it.

The doctors said it was an electrolyte imbalance.

He hadn't aged a day.

The doctors said he'd never wake up.

He did, the night of the electrical storm.

The moment he could, he smiled. A dark, smile as he quickly left the hospital.

Someone was going to die for his humiliation...but it wasn't going to be him.

[Closed Narrative. Game Note: There was a large electrical storm Wednesday night]

[info]theluthorprince in [info]bocadeinferno

Narrative: And if you get inside my head, then you'd understand

Lex had always believed a man could fly.

It was that small bit of childhood left in him that his father hadn't yet been able to get rid of. That still had day dreams about superheros rather then war heros of old.

And right now, it was no day dream. He really was flying, Sunnydale spread out before him. An out of body experience brought on by sudden trauma and/or death but at that moment, he didn't care.

As he glanced down, he saw the familiar scene repeat itself. The Porsche speeding towards the bridge, going far too fast then the legal limit. The truck coming from the opposite direction, loosing one of it's cargo. The abandoned wire rolling out into the middle of the bridge. The Prosche swerving far too late. The figure standing at just the right spot in the rail.

The scene end abruptly as Lex came back to himself, water choking him just as he was aware of lips on his and another's breath in his mouth. He turned his head to cough before looking up at the radiant figure above him. His hero. The inner child was smug.

"I could have sworn I hit you."

"If you had, I'd be...dead."

When two destinies meet, one often expects a big bang, such as the one that created the universe, when in actually, it's often in just looks and soft hellos. Lex Luthor and Clark Kent had to be the exception to the rule.

[Closed Narrative Game Note: Lex's take over of the West Coast Branch of LutherCorp and the car crash would both have been all over the Wednesday evening news.]

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