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Aug. 31st, 2009



There will be no more activity of any kind. All comments must have occurred before 2pm game time.

It goes without say, but I shall anyway: no meta-gaming please. No "I feel a dark presence is nigh~" or anything even remotely construable as breaking the 'mystery' of the future events. Thank you!

Aug. 2nd, 2009



Aug. 1st, 2009


Okay, since everyone has already submitted their rolls (except two people who I am sure will do it very soon), I can do statchat sooner than I had originally planned.

Please check ALL the dates and times that you are available for group chat to watch rolls (assuming you are interested).

Poll #3986
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Which dates/times are you available for STATCHAT?

View Answers

2 August - 7pm PDT (GMT-7)
16 (76.2%)

2 August - 8pm
16 (76.2%)

2 August - 9pm
17 (81.0%)

2 August - 10pm
13 (61.9%)

3 August - 7pm PDT (GMT-7)
13 (61.9%)

3 August - 8pm
16 (76.2%)

3 August - 9pm
16 (76.2%)

3 August - 10pm
13 (61.9%)

4 August - 7pm PDT (GMT-7)
10 (47.6%)

4 August - 8pm
13 (61.9%)

4 August - 9pm
15 (71.4%)

4 August - 10pm
12 (57.1%)

7 August - 8pm PDT (GMT-7)
13 (61.9%)

7 August - 9pm
14 (66.7%)

7 August - 10pm
14 (66.7%)

Jul. 29th, 2009


Week 79-83 Plot )

Jul. 25th, 2009



Read more... )

Jul. 2nd, 2009


Week 74-78 Plot )

Jun. 21st, 2009


Plot post, weeks 70-74

Week 70-74 Plot )

Jun. 11th, 2009


Plot post, weeks 70-74

Week 70-74 Plot )

Jun. 7th, 2009




May. 19th, 2009


Important announcement thing

Okay, I have been thinking about this for a while, and though I'd originally intended the end date of BL to be in September, I have come to the conclusion that I have to push it back to August.

The reason for this change is that I had to schedule my preliminary oral exam, which determines whether or not I continue on in grad school, and October was the only month I could take. This means that I have to have at LEAST a month to prepare, since the oral involves me going in front of my committee and getting grilled on any subject they can think of -- that makes ending in September a bit of a problem.

I thought about doing a poll on this, but the bottom line is that I won't be able to mod in September, so even if everyone complains, I just can't do it.

The final battle date for BL will therefore be August 30, and I will hopefully have all storylines wrapped up by that point.

I'm sorry for all new players, because this means you only get three months of play, but hopefully you understand and can make the best of it. ♥

edit: also, for people with pregnancies and weddings that were scheduled for September, epilogue logs will be allowed -- just know that all formal plot will end 30 August, and any epilogue plots have to take into account the resolution of the final battle, whatever that turns out to be.

May. 18th, 2009


Week 66-70 Plot )

May. 8th, 2009


Week 66-70 Plot )

Apr. 26th, 2009


Plot Week 65

Week 61-65 Plot )

Apr. 12th, 2009


okay last BASH related post (I think)

I need to know who of the order/gairloch will run away (back into the castle) when Voldemort shows up. Every character on that battle field besides the inner circle should be some degree of afraid when the Dark Lord appears, but I need to know who will actually flee. Please comment! And if no one volunteers I -will- roll for people, because I don't find it acceptable that everyone has nerves of steel, particularly after fighting and getting injured.

Apr. 10th, 2009




Apr. 9th, 2009


BASH (big ass scuffle @ hogwarts) Housekeeping

Okay everyone -- you know the drill. Comment with:

1) your characters' minimum and maximum damage
2) your available times (in terms of PST)
for example, if you're available 4pm to 3am EST, that would be 1pm to 12am PST

so that I can start matching people up. If you haven't signed up yet/don't know what it is all about, check out the plot post:

As a reminder:

unscathed 0 - no practical injuries, maybe a scuff or two or a bruise from being amazing
minor cuts 1 - some scrapes and bruises, a few stuns, nothing horrific
major cuts 2 - blood, major bruises, a bad hex, general owwieness for a day or two
broken bones 3 - broken bones, hexes, but nothing especially crippling; blood, bruises, still functional
minor internal injury 4 - organ damage, curses, hinders fighting slightly, something that will require recovery
internal and external   5 - more severe damage, multiple curses and hexes, difficulty continuing to fight, possible splinching (15% roll)
severe injuries 6 - even worse still, internal and external, broken bones; cannot continue to fight, likely splinching (50% roll)
permanent injuries 7 - permanent damage caused by curses, will splinch without aid
8 - obviously

aurors (-2 to 0)
hitwizards (-1 to 0)
non DMLE order (-1 to 1); abe & elphias (-2 to 0)
oob civilians (-2 to 0) excluding Mungo's, triage
oob civilians (-1 to 0) Mungo's, triage
civilians in battle (0 to 2)
death eaters (-1 to 1) outer
death eaters (-2 to 0) inner
dark army (0 to 2) - excluding fenrir

HELP! I have no frigging clue what you're talking about

BL battles are set up so that people have a pre-determined damage going in. This prevents confusion and godmodding and gives players an opportunity to discuss how the injuries occur beforehand so that fights can be semi-planned out (rather than a clusterfuck).

Your minimum and maximum damages are represented by the above numbers, and all characters have modifiers depending on their presumed fighting skill/involvement. Maximum damage is meant to represent how daring your character is being in battle -- if they are staying on the sidelines, give them a 1-3, if they are in the heart of the action, give them a 4-7; you are expected to represent your max roll in this way. If I see someone with max 2 going crazy on Bellatrix Lestrange, I will ask them to rethink their numbers.

I then roll damage + modifier using the excel RANDBETWEEN function.


Gaius's min and max are 0 and 7. I roll randomly and he gets a 4. I then roll his modifier (-1 to 1) and get a 1 -- he ends up with a 5.

Joe's min and max are 0 and 4. I roll randomly and he gets a 4. I then roll his modifier (0 to 2) and get a 2 -- he ends up with a 4 because you can't go over the max damage.

Apr. 2nd, 2009


Apr. 1st, 2009


Hey guys --

I've been thinking long and hard about the way BL is going for the next six months, and it occurred to me that one of the things that made the last year really exciting was knowing that a mission or plot could result in the actual death of a PC. With almost all of our pre-determined deaths already complete, I'm worried we risk a sort of stagnation, if that makes sense.

So, I've decided (via dice roll) to randomly assign some new pre-determined deaths to the cast list. These deaths should take place between May and September, and I will, of course, work with all the involved players to make sure that the characters die in a way that makes everyone involved happy.

The List
Atticus Avery
Aeneas Nott
Ferdinand Gibbon
Lucius Malfoy
Demetrius Mulciber
Tabitha Pryce
Finnian Rourke
Evangeline Macnair
Dolores Umbridge
Florence Hall
Sirius Black
Hestia Jones
Kingsley Shacklebolt

Questions, comments, concerns, leave them here :]

Mar. 30th, 2009


April (Weeks 61-65) Plot post 1

Week 61-65 Plot )

Mar. 17th, 2009


This week's plot summary isn't going to look shmancy since I'm trying to download Dreamweaver as we speak, but it should be helpful nonetheless



Media: Smith / muggleborn captures



Gairloch: breaking into Hogsmeade/Diagon stores

Media: Carlotta / article on break-ins, ties with terrorist organisations

Death eater day camp;

-- Marius x Severus (dueling), Bellatrix observing/commentating
-- Ben x Gaius (dueling, coin flip = Gaius winner), Graley observing/commentating
-- Ben x Corbina (poisoning) [Sabrina narrating poison], Atticus supervising
-- Francesca x Rodolphus (explosive training)
-- Demetrius x Atticus (explosives training)
-- Severus x Aeneas (poisons)

Observers should be actively involved in the duels; that is they should be offering advice & suggestions while the others duel

Zee I didn't sign you up because of your powercord ♥




Boycotting purist products? Have there been any posts on this? I am not setting up any kind of battle till there has been IC discussion/preparation on it. If nobody wants to do it, it will not happen. The order needs to be self motivated and not only by Remus and Marlene.

Gairloch propaganda; who is going to spearhead this?

Women & mothers campaign

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