Blood Sings To Blood, Words Will Find A Way
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April 2013
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Stephen Hart [userpic]
8.1 -- Fragile connection

I realized that she loved me and I loved her in return.

Muse: Stephen Hart
Fandom: Primeval
Word Count: 363

Mod Journal For Blood Sings To Blood [userpic]
Prompt Week Eight -- May 7, 2010

As of this week, prompts will switch to being posted on Fridays. This is nothing major, just a change we wanted to make in an effort to make this place the best we can.

1. Write about a fragile connection.
2. Write about somebody else's mortification.
3. A woman on a beach, dressed in black, shouting a single word to the ocean.
4. Write about a guessing game that goes wrong.
5. Write about someone working hard toward a morally ambiguous goal.

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