February 11th, 2021



Chance encounters

Who: JD, Noah, Rob Doherty (NPC - Jess)
What: Drinks
When: Present
Where: Precinct/ Moon Doggies
Ratings G

“I went to check out The Rabbit Hole... )



Badge, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger...

Who: Sonya/Ronnie.
Where: Searchlight.
What: Sonya makes some money and a revelation is made.

Mushroom! Mushroom! )



Benjamin and His Friends

Who: NPC Doherty (Written By Jess)/NPC Jonas Blackburn (Written By Gazer)
What: Making a Move
Where: Las Vegas
When: Present
Ratings/Warnings: Medium

The Eye Sees Far, But My Range Isn't Boundless )