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dani_meows [userpic]
The charms of Mistletoe (Harry Potter: Harry/Severus)

Title:The Charms of Mistletoe
Fandom:Harry Potter
Rating:Not Porn
Word count:100
Not Canon. AU.

Charmed mistletoe that couldn't be banished, lit on fire, vaporized, frozen, or otherwise stopped or destroyed? A certain set of Weasley twins had to be behind this, and Severus Snape vowed that they would pay dearly for this stunt, the rest of their Hogwarts career.

They were worse than their namesakes, the first set of Weasley twins, and certainly didn't take after their rule obsessed father, Percy.

The door to the room that he'd strategically retreated, not escaped, to opened. “Headmaster,” Potter greeted. He too, was being chased by mistletoe.

They kissed. The mistletoe was banished. They didn't notice.

Current Mood: amused
dani_meows [userpic]
Christmas Party Hell (Doctor Who drabble)

Title:Christmas Party Hell
Fandom:Doctor Who
Rating:Not Porn
Word count:275
Not Canon. AU.

Of all the places to be for a late Christmas celebration, Jackie Tyler's flat was not one of the places the Doctor wanted to be. Definitely not for the first time, he lamented the fact that telling Rose no was still something that he found impossible.

Rose had wanted to see her mother for Christmas. Therefore they were at Jackie's. He'd tried to make his escape but Rose had turned those eyes on him and said, “please, stay, Doctor?”

Then Jackie had chimed in telling him that he wasn't going anywhere. He was still afraid of Jackie so he didn't argue much. Although if he'd known the horrors that had awaited him, no he still wouldn't have argued, that woman could probably put fear into a Dalek.

The horrors of the party so far: he was stuck in his alias of John Smith, Rose's Aunt Mildred was a cheek pincher, another one of Rose's aunts had pinched his arse, Jackie's voice got shriller when sherry was involved, Rose had been dragged off by her cousins to chat... All of those horrors paled in comparison.

Rose's great auntie Mildred was standing next to him, telling him what a wonderful young man he was and how great he was for their Rose.

Suddenly the others around them were saying that they had to kiss. The Doctor looked around, in his desire to escape to the loo and therefore not be subject to the woman's prattling any longer, he'd stepped underneath the cursed plant.

He kissed her pruney cheek. She pinched his. Jackie snapped a picture. Rose was having grand mal seizures of laughter.

He hated Mistletoe.

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
Title: Burnt and charred cookies that had been left to rot a year? (Sanctuary: Will/Henry)

Title: Burnt and charred cookies that had been left to rot a year?
Rating:Not Porn
Word count:200
Written for [info]adventdrabbles prompt two.

Note: Sorry about the craptasticness of this drabble but my allergies are ticked and I just want to go to bed. Which means
this is the best of them. Oh well maybe tomorrows drabble will be better.

Sometimes in the still of the night, Henry longed for the courage to actually make a move on his coworker and secret love. He'd known from the first moment his nose had caught Will's scent that Will was the one. It was why he'd exposed his secret in order to save Will from the Naga that had almost killed him.

It was why he put up with Will's need to prepare his study for Christmas. Magnus was going to be away for Christmas but the rest of them were going to be here and he understood Will's need to celebrate finally having a family of sorts. He understood but still...

Peppermint scented candles weren't bad but when the candle that was labeled Christmas cookie was lit... It was awful. Who's Christmas cookies were they using? Burnt and charred cookies that had been left to rot for a year?

Will laughed at Henry's expression. “Yeah, I didn't like that much either.”

They threw that one away and finished decking the halls. They laughed and sang and bickered about who sand the worst carols.

One day he'd get up the courage to make his move. Until then at least he had these moments with Will.

Current Mood: sick
dani_meows [userpic]
Peppermint, Fruitcakes and Sweaters (Star Trek TOS drabble)

Title: Peppermint, Fruitcakes and Sweaters
Fandom:Star Trek TOS
Pairing: Spock, hints of Kirk
Rating:Not Porn
Word count:200
Written for [info]adventdrabbles prompt two.

I Still want to write a Harry Potter and Doctor Who drabble but if it doesn't happen at least I wrote something, yes?
Canon: I've only seen the reboot movie, season one and up to Amok Time of Season Two... so my grasp of canon is lose and shifting. If that offends anyone sorry.

The Enterprise was doing secret Santa this year again, and Spock hadn't been able to get out of it this year. Jim had asked, and he couldn't refuse the hazel eyed man anything.

Still his “Santa” this year at least had good taste. Last year, he'd gotten Nurse Chapel and she'd gotten him a bunch of chocolates and things that he'd found to be highly illogical. Apparently, they'd been designed to be sexually provocative, but they hadn't worked for him. Jim had found them hilarious.

The fact that having a friend who laughed at your misery, warmed him inside was illogical but true. It was nice to have friends.

This year his Santa had left a set of green and red stripped candles that were pleasingly scented with the Earth plant Mentha piperita. Meditation candles. A gift that was pleasing and useful. Maybe this year's secret santa wouldn't be so bad. Now if only he knew what to give the person he'd drawn.

He'd heard people talking about fruitcakes and sweaters. Were those popular gifts for humans?

Current Mood: exhausted
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