January 6th, 2008

[info]strawberry_smut in [info]bijou_fandom

Merry Christmas Laylah!

...alright alright, it's a tad late. I have lots of really good excuses, most of which I've posted in my previous journal.

Okay, and it's not what she asked for, but it went something like this:

ME: Okay, so Cobalt, you put your foot on Jade and wrap the leash around your hand... Jade, stop looking like you're enjoying this so much. Okay, now move your hand a little, no, wait. Okay this pose isn't working. Alright, let's try with Jade in the cowboy suit, and Cobalt, you-
COBALT: Sod this. Am I getting paid? I don't think so.
*Cobalt walks off*
ME:Okay, so Jade, you take the hat off, right, and -no, wait, you're supposed to look happy now, not the puppy dog eyes, no, I'm sure Cobalt will be back soon, no no no come back!
*Jade follows Cobalt*
*Is miserable, so starts a sketch to cheer self up*
ME: Hey, this is working pretty well!

So yeah. We have Jasper sunbathing, in all his glory. Merry Christmas!

NSFW for non sexual nudity. )
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