July 9th, 2007

[info]sharkcowsheep in [info]bijou_fandom

Dark and Stormy Night - Film-noir!Animalverse!AU

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]white_aster)

Late, but hey, it's still the 9th where I am...barely! :)

This is silly, indulgent, and slightly ooc Bijou fanfic for ze lovely [info]laylah on her birthday! She asked for film-noir!Bijou AU, and I got uh...as far as the private!eye!Jade and...the rest took a lefthand turn into TOTAL CRACK. Did I mention that this is also anthropomorphic animal!Bijou-verse, too? Heh. Yeah. I...I have no idea why these two beat me over the head with THIS bunny, when they could have skipped the unpleasantness and gone straight to something, oh, CONSENSUAL AND FUN. But then, this IS Jade and Co. we're talking about. :P It was also originally two parts, but the first part never quite felt right to me, and I figured out, OH, so there's supposed to be woobie comfortsex after this! Of COURSE! ^__^

Ok, enough silliness and on to the silly porn. :)

The Dark and Stormy Night
by White Aster

Warnings: Sex, animal/furryness, non-con, and, in the end, woob.
Rating: NC-17

It was a dark and stormy night. Really dark. So dark that Jade was sure that the guys in the warehouse with him could see HIM much better than he could see THEM. Damned cats.

Luckily, the felids ALSO smelled strongly of dead fish.

Jade's nose twitched, and he adjusted his aim a few degrees to the left before firing. Read more... )
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