June 18th, 2007

[info]sharkcowsheep in [info]bijou_fandom

Startin the Party Early

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

So, once upon a time, [info]laylah asked for Bijou AUs for her birthday, and then around three days later, [info]maho_kiwi introduced me to Lackadaisy Cats. I. Um. There was just no resisting Garnet as a Hoochie Queen.

There may be 20's incarnations of the other boys coming too. We'll see if I can get my Yuri Challenge pics done in time, but I really want to...

Full View and Some Details Below: Flapper!Garnet with bonus Rifle-Corps!Gideon and Society-Gangster!Sebastian )