March 5th, 2007

[info]sharkcowsheep in [info]bijou_fandom

Three Bijou Pics

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

1) Mercenaries: There is a reason I don't usually draw manly men; also known as oh god I don't ever want to draw that much leather again. And, Wow, there's so much wrong with this piece. I almost didn't post it. Fox and Hound )

2)Jasper: Laylah mentioned wanting the boys in elaborate costumes. That's totally my justification for these next two, and they have nothing whatsoever to do with finishing the above piece and really wanting to draw boys in makeup. Also, somehow I got it into my head that jasper didn't grow out his hair until he came to the bijou, which is- on looking again- not in fact the case. Um. I suck? Elaborate Costuming, Take 1 )

3)Jet:I, uh. I have no justification for the visual lit-reference here. I just am a dork and couldn't help myself. I like this one best of the three. Elaborate Costuming, take 2 )
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