February 26th, 2007

[info]sharkcowsheep in [info]bijou_fandom

[FIC] Mist Will Fade.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]allira_dream)

Title: Mist Will Fade.
Fandom: [info]precious_stones
Warnings: Remember to brush your teeth and floss after having Fluff. Failing to do this causes cavities.
Characters/couples: Aidan, Jet, Liam, Topaz, mentions of other Jewels.
Summary: Two moments: Aidan and Liam, and another one with Jet and Topaz.
Rating: PG.
Notes: I fail at porn. The Woob owns me. *ashamed* Hopefully, [info]laylah and [info]maho_kiwi won't decide to revoke my Bijou!fancard after this. *hides*

The Fox and the Hound! *lame* Feel free to take 'em to a good home.
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Mist Will Fade. )
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