April 21st, 2006

[info]sharkcowsheep in [info]bijou_fandom

[Ficlet] Denial, Liam-centric

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]miko_no_da)

To celebrate the inauguration of this community, I'm reposting the ficlet I did for Laylah here. ^_^ You may have already seen it in my journal.

This is entirely [info]laylah's fault. Entirely. *slaps blame stickers on*

All characters and concepts belong to [info]laylah and [info]maho_kiwi. Used with permission.

Title: Denial
Fandom: The Bijou
Pairing: Liam/Topaz
Rating: NC-17

Autumn had always been one of Liam's favourite seasons. )
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