Posts Tagged: '%21network'

Mar. 31st, 2021



The bar's trying out some new drinks for the holiday including rhubarb gin, Easter champagne (orange/pineapple/strawberry mimosa basically), and something called an Easter Bunny which is sweet as fuck (creme de cacao, vodka, chocolate syrup, cherry brandy).

Personally, I'm fond of the rhubarb gin.



Religious holidays mean less work for me. Thank goodness. I can just chill out for a weekend!

But it does mean that I am going to be bored this whole week... Give me some ideas! How do you entertain yourselves!



I just found out my favorite pizza place went out of business.

Too many health code violations or whatever.

Anyway this is my first true heartbreak. What was yours?



Anyone up to go dancing tomorrow? It's been forever and I'm getting restless!




I'm stuck at one of my properties, there's been a little robbery. Kind of a stick up. Everyone is all right, but it's a lot of paperwork.



Last minute Easter emergency: where can I get those little capsules with the foam dinosaurs that grow when you put them in water? There's a four year old who's going to be very sad without her growasaurus rex.

Meanwhile if everyone could cross their fingers that nothing comes up on Saturday so I have time to hide 100 easter eggs, I would appreciate it.