The Best Deadly Sin [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

((Open)) [Aug. 5th, 2011|03:46 pm]

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[mood |busy]

By now, Ed's been working at the Sin long enough to have the locations of the supplies behind the bar memorized, although he's not always back there. Depending on what time of day/night it is, he could either be out waiting tables or behind the bar. So when do you show up?

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Getting back to normal [Jul. 29th, 2011|12:13 am]

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The Sin was back in full swing again, and Greed was in a good mood. He'd more than made up for the mandatory downtime when he closed the bar to prevent it from being an attack site for a now-departed Envy. And that was with Delilah, his live entertainment, being on medical leave for the last week.

And he had a full staff, which now included Elrics. On the bright side, they were alchemists, so they could easily repair any property damage their presence might cause, and Al was proving himself in the kitchen, helping Odd, which made his head cook a happy man, and a happy cook made good food.

In a booth not far from the stage sat Hohenheim, Wrath, Envy, and Delilah. Envy, for some reason, had reverted back to his appearance as Elsa, even though they all knew by now who Elsa really was. Not that Greed found reason to complain; sure, he lost his fuckbuddy, but hey, the mental images of Elsa and Delilah were pretty enough to make up for it.

So he sat at the bar, watching the occasional music videos on the big screen TVs, and chatting it up with the staff and customers as the night went on.
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Unwinding [Jul. 27th, 2011|02:29 am]

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After making a lasting impression at the Apartments, Shou decides it's time to find out what else there is to do around. Wandering around for awhile, she comes across an establishment that catches her eye. 'Best Deadly Sin' sounds like something that's just her speed.

Wandering in, she looks around, taking in everything she sees. What troublesome activities will she find herself doing now?
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[Jul. 16th, 2011|12:35 am]

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The next day after their return from Silent Hill, Delilah walked into the Best Deadly Sin with Envy, Hohenheim, and Leah.

Envy, however, was not looking like Envy at the moment, wearing his original face.

With an orthopedic boot on, and leaning on a cane, Delilah looked rather worse for the wear, still too pale with dark smudges around her eyes from the lack of sleep. The short nap she'd had took the worst of the edge off, but not enough.

"Hi, Dorchette," she greeted the chimera as they walked in, and ignored the boggled expression that came over his face when he registered who all was with her. She led them to an empty table not far from the stage, even though it was currently unused, with the music provided through the speakers and a radio system.
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New employee [Jul. 15th, 2011|01:12 am]

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While Roy got Ed settled in with bartending and waiting on the tables, Greed took Al back into the kitchen to introduce him to his new supervisor.

"Yo, Odd. You think you could use an extra pair of hands back here that are, yanno, corporeal?"
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Later on... [Jul. 12th, 2011|06:07 pm]
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[mood |contemplative]

An Ed walks into the Best Deadly Sin. He looks like an alternate, to be honest. He has on a black coat and combat boots.

'Ed' sits down at an empty table. He looks out the window, folding his hands underneath his chin, looking pensive. Lost in his own thoughts. He watches outside the window, a small crease in his brow.
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OOC ANNOUNCEMENT [Jul. 11th, 2011|04:12 pm]

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I have begun adding account usernames as tags, and have started tagging posts on communities for easier searching to find where any given character may have spoken up. Only maintainers can add new tags however, all asylum members can add existing tags to posts.

If you start a new post, or comment to one, you're free - even encouraged to - click on the icon at the top of each post to add the tag with your character's name.

If your character's name is not available in the list of tags, please comment to this post to let me know, and I will add it asap.

The following communities now have usernames added for tagging:


And people are also encouraged to go back over older posts and add tags if they're bored. :D
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Early bird hours [Jun. 9th, 2011|01:31 am]

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The Sin hadn't been open long, just a little over an hour, and the bar was mostly empty. That was normal; it usually picked up closer to dinnertime, and kept snowballing until the nightclub was in full swing until last call.

Greed was behind the bar, tending to the random drink order here and there before Roy took over for the rest of the evening. He could hear sounds of pans clattering in the kitchen as Odd clocked in and started gathering up his supplies to prepare the night's menu.
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Roy Meets Roy [May. 23rd, 2011|11:31 pm]

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Delilah arrived for work, with Leah in tow as usual, but this time, she brought along a newcomer.

"Roy?" she asked as she approached the bar, beckoning for the alternate to follow. "Do you know of any Edwards who might have passed through or arrived recently, looking to be in his late teens or early twenties?"
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Better Booze than Rosie's [May. 18th, 2011|11:59 pm]

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After hauling Winchester into the Nexus to prove that he wasn't going mad, Pierce took him to the best place he knew about to get the kind of liquor that would satisfy the snobbish doctor's tastes.

"It's still in restaurant hours, but the place gets pretty noisy at night when the club starts hitting its stride," he explained as he walked toward the bar.
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Not quite where he was aiming, but... whatever works [Apr. 9th, 2011|01:19 pm]

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Well. Alfons wasn't entirely certain what to think. On one hand, he didn't do anything, he had simply been walking along the streets of London mulling over his predicament and attempting to figure out how to get around the fact that while he was finally understanding Hohenheim's research on getting to Amestris, it was focused on alchemy. Which he couldn't do.

On the other hand, this clearly was not London, and the more he looked, the more he saw that made him think that it wasn't even Earth anymore.

Maybe somehow he did stumble on Amestris. Well, as long as he was away from Earth, it didn't matter quite so much. There was the chance he'd found a worse sort of hell than Earth was becoming, but if that were the case, he would deal with it when it happened.

Of course, the further he walked, the less convinced he was it was Amestris, from the information Edward had given him. Uncertain of his next move, he decided to find a place for a drink so he could go over the papers in his suitcase and figure out maybe what to do next.

The building was clearly a pub of some sort, and despite the name, the several people he caught sight of as they entered and departed looked respectable enough. Alfons tentatively pushed open the door to The Best Deadly Sin, and walked through the partially empty establishment, past tables of dining patrons, to the bar and set the suitcase at his feet as he sat down.

"Pint of beer, bitte?" Then he caught himself, and corrected it to "please?"
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She's back! [Mar. 8th, 2011|11:43 pm]

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Elsa's been AWOL for about a month now, and when she finally walked back into the Sin, she looked like hell. She slid onto a barstool at the bar, gave Roy a weak smile and ordered her usual. She barely touched it.
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In your darkest hours, did you ever hear me sing? [Feb. 4th, 2011|11:26 am]

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[music |Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You - Stevie Nicks]

(This is an open post if anyone feels the need to comment; and worry not, posts like this won't be a regular thing, and all but one song featured are just portions and snips, rather than the whole thing. A link to another post is at the end if you want to see the full lyrics without having to go hunt them down.)

Opening Night )
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[Aug. 21st, 2010|11:01 pm]
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Today in the Best Deadly Sin, a thing that no one wants there: A very clearly under-aged fallen angel with a heart full of love, sparkles, dinosaurs, and elaborate sentai fantasy sequences.

"An angel walks into a bar!" she narrates loudly. "And she asks the bartender, 'Which sin is the best?'"
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Out to lunch [Aug. 17th, 2010|05:41 pm]

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Or dinner, whichever.

Following the directions Riza had written out for them, Van led Celena to the establishment. It was a largish building, and window placement suggested that it was at least two stories tall. He opened the door for her, and inside were polished wooden floors and a variety of tables, from round to rectangular to booths, and comfortable-looking chairs.

It was well-lit for the restaurant hours, and the bar was along one wall, light refracting through the various bottles lining shelves in front of the mirrors.

"It doesn't look too bad," he commented quietly to Celena as they walked inside.
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The horror that swept through the Sin [Aug. 10th, 2010|12:55 am]

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There's a young redhead at one of the larger tables in the Sin's restaurant section. The table is overloaded with dishes of all sorts and the young woman- too flat for Greed's tastes, more than likely -is attacking the food with a terrifying frenzy.

Lina figures with food like this, Gourry's bound to show up sooner or later!
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Wanting a drink to calm his slight nerves. ((Open Post)) [Jul. 20th, 2010|06:15 pm]
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Envy takes care to try to shut the door softly behind him as he comes in, not noticing any other bells or decor besides the bar. He is dressed out of his ordinary outfit, in black slacks and a longer version of his shirt. He still has the headband, though.

Envy sits down at the bar and it is apparent he knows next to nothing about the place besides its name. He prepares to ask if they have something strong, like whiskey.
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Looking For Work [Jul. 18th, 2010|04:14 pm]

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(locked to [info]meaning_of_life)

The Best Deadly Sin.

Cecilia Benoit stood outside of the bar regarding the sign, then looked down at the advertisement in her hand.

Read more... )
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Castor and Pollux, Pandemonium Style ((open...)) [Jun. 25th, 2010|10:05 pm]
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[mood |amused]

Aion walked in, and headed toward the bar, followed by his brother. "This is almost like old times, wouldn't you say?"

"If you say so," Chrono said. "No was thrown out the door or window as we walked up."

"We never went anywhere nearly that bad." Aion paused. "Well all right, that place we found Genai losing poker in that one time was really bad."

"Anyway," Aion continued "It's like old times." Saloons and bars were good ways to pick up information and make contacts.

Well, and to have a drink.
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An interesting in the chinese curse sort of way day [Jun. 20th, 2010|11:56 pm]

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Greed was never entirely happy about the fact that his employees needed and deserved and got days off. Especially when some of them coincided, and it meant he had to actually work.

In this case, he was behind the bar, showing off with his usual flair because if he had to be stuck working on Mustang's day off, damn right he was going to wow as many as he could.

And just working wasn't quite the type of wow he was going for, shut up Martel.

The phone rang and he slapped the end of it to make it flip up in the air, and with a deft twist of his wrist, caught it. "The Best Deadly Sin, where we serve 'em up on a silver platter. What's your interest?"
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