The Best Deadly Sin [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

((Open)) [Aug. 5th, 2011|03:46 pm]

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[mood |busy]

By now, Ed's been working at the Sin long enough to have the locations of the supplies behind the bar memorized, although he's not always back there. Depending on what time of day/night it is, he could either be out waiting tables or behind the bar. So when do you show up?

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Castor and Pollux, Pandemonium Style ((open...)) [Jun. 25th, 2010|10:05 pm]
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[mood |amused]

Aion walked in, and headed toward the bar, followed by his brother. "This is almost like old times, wouldn't you say?"

"If you say so," Chrono said. "No was thrown out the door or window as we walked up."

"We never went anywhere nearly that bad." Aion paused. "Well all right, that place we found Genai losing poker in that one time was really bad."

"Anyway," Aion continued "It's like old times." Saloons and bars were good ways to pick up information and make contacts.

Well, and to have a drink.
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((Meant for [info]awesomestyle but is open.)) [Mar. 19th, 2010|08:49 pm]

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[mood |thirsty]

Ed wanders into the Sin with his hands in his pockets. When he heads in the direction of the bar, he sees that Roy isn't there, hesitates, and mentally shrugs before continuing anyway. He's just going to figure that Roy was off doing inventory or doing battle with paperwork or something.

After getting his drink from the employee that is there, he sits down at a table to nurse said drink and wait for his alt.

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