Write Away - The People Behind the Madness' Journal
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Saturday, March 19th, 2011

    Time Event
    OMG! SQUEE! I just saw this online and had to share - dunno if it will work for everyone, but a featurette for HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 2 just came out. You can view it here. Excitement is now keeping me awake for longer. :D

    With my humble apologies
    Ladies, I must apologize for my spotty record this week in regard to replies and such. Ever since the convention, I've been ill, which has just worn me down, and I am dealing with losing my position as a reviewer at a place that I love because I am no longer acceptable, and dealing with an editor for my book who is insulting and sarcastic and can't be bothered to read the first book, and I just found out the swotty little git is all of 20 years old and I know him (under his pen name) and I once helped him! Ungrateful little dick!

    In any event, Sarah and I are going to a friend's house for a sleepover this afternoon and will be back tomorrow, by which time I hope to have recharged my psychic battereries so that I may begin anew. Thanks y'all for your patience!

    Love you lots, see you then!

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