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Friday, March 18th, 2011

    Time Event
    Another game, if you're interested...
    Hey guys! I was thinking about re-opening the other rpg I used to run (not ME, lol), The Forsaken. It kinda just petered out, but I would be happy to do it again. It was a lot of fun, and I think all of you would enjoy it. It's very relaxed as well... just has a specific premise and setting. All characters are OCs, which is totally fun. I am going to include the links, so you can check it out. If enough people are interested, I will re-open it and begin promos. The "Taken Characters" isn't accurate, obviously, as the game is closed. But if we re-open, and you played there before, you can obviously take the same characters you had.

    Website: The Forsaken RPG

    [info]the_forsaken - Game Community

    [info]forsaken_ooc - OOC Community

    [info]forsaken_mods - Mod Journal

    Thanks for checking it out!!

    - Jeia

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